Here is what you get
if you vote for Kamala Harris.


Here is what you get if you vote for Kamala Harris. She will make America a Communist Country.

Harris is far radical left than even Biden, Pelosi, or AOC and was called the MOST far left Senator when she was Senator.

By Dr. Nova Dean Pack

1. Harris will stop all oil drilling in America. Trump said he would increase a high production of oil as he did before, and part of the money he will use to decrease the national debt.

2. Harris will require everyone to drive electric vehicles, including electric planes and big wheelers. We will not be able to go anywhere and the products that are shipped to stores for consumer purchase will be delayed or not delivered because the vehicles break down. There will be mass vehicle stalls on freeways because the batteries become dead.

3. Harris will tax business so many businesses that made this country wealthy will leave America to go to a better tax incentive friendly nation.

4. Harris will continue to cause our nation to go further and further into national debt to the tune of an extra 20 trillion dollars in her first tenure in office. The national debt with committed future expenditures is already over 100 Trillion.

5. Harris will try to pass a nation-wife law that brings back abortion on demand to bring back even further rights to abortion than was granted in the roe v. wade case, which was overturned. This nation-wife law will not be able to declare that abortion is a Constitutional right, though. The problem is the holocaust of the unborn will continue in America and around the world while each year there are less babies born to replace those who die. What Harris does not accept is the truth that upon conception, the fertilized egg is a living soul. The baby's soul, consisting of the mind, emotions, and heart where the will resides, tells the growing cells to create the placenta, the umbilical cord, the organs in the body, hands, feet, arms, body, head, mouth, eyes, ears, nose, long before the physical brain is totally mature and functioning. This is not the work of the mother, but merely the decisions of the soul in the baby that is being formed. Again, the the placenta, the umbilical cord, and the growth of the baby's body in the womb are controlled by the baby in the womb, not the mother, although the baby receives nourishment from the mother until birth. After the baby is born, the baby's brain is still growing and developing, in addition to the growth of the child physical body after birth until the child becomes an adult.

6. Harris' statement to Judge Kavanaugh during his confirmation hearing is revealing, "Can you think of any laws that give the government the power to make decisions about the male body?" Harris took a false fact to say that only females have laws affecting their sovereign wills because of the laws restricting abortion. However, Harris ignores so many laws, such as laws against male and female prostitution, taking illegal drugs, drinking while under influence of alcohol, laws against committing attempted suicide, laws forcing men and women to work to pay child or spousal support, or the military draft. Also, what Harris ignores is that the baby in the womb, whether male or female, is a living soul; and the law giving a mother the right to kill that living soul in the womb is indeed a law that interferes with a living soul's decision to exercise the baby's right to live and not be killed by the mother through abortion. Thus, Harris' statement to Judge Kavanaugh shows Harris' prejudice, her disdain for children (having not given birth of her own children), and her not being a Believer of the Judeo/Christian beliefs of the sanctity of life. It also shows her ignorance and one who just picks up what seems to be a glib statements that the world may accept but lacks the foundation of God's truth, ignoring facts that do not fit her narrative positions and political beliefs.

7. Harris will try to make "abortion" the primary campaign issue.

8. Harris will commit to spend Billions or Trillions to provide government child care for mothers. The child care will feed the children with Socialist agenda. By paying the money for child care the government will pass laws taking away the rights of parents to educate their children and put in their children's souls the foundational spiritual beliefs of the parents. By paying for child care and schools, the government will claim the right to indoctrinate the children and restrict what parents can teach their children. This will include not allowing parents to teach that transgenderism is a sin, and not allowing parents to teach their children there are only two sexes, male and female as created by God.

9. As the border Czar under Biden, Harris totally failed, intentionally, to stop illegal aliens, terrorists, drugs, child and women trafficking, coming across U.S. Southern border. The saw called Socialist, branding themselves as "Progressives" (with absurd definitions of progress of humanity) have been, and will continue to flood illegal aliens into Democrat States because the Supreme Court has held when county people living in a State the census must include all people, including illegal aliens. Then, based upon the census that includes illegal aliens, gerrymandering can be manipulated to change the electoral district boundaries with the intent to create undue advantage for a political party within the constituency, which will include illegal aliens. The manipulation may involve "cracking" (diluting the voting power of the opposing party's supporters across many districts) or "packing" (concentrating the opposing party's voting power in one district to reduce their voting power in other districts). Voting by mail without requiring a proof of citizenship at time of registering to vote will cause illegal aliens to vote. Gerrymandering can also be used to protect. Again, what is unfair is the gerrymandering must not just include citizens but also the illegal aliens, counting the illegal aliens even with a small number of Democrat citizens through gerrymandering can have a Democrat elected when a majority of citizens are Republicans but are gerrymandered out of that district to have the votes to be elected. Thus this is the real reason Democrats want the illegal aliens sent to California, New York, Illinois, and other Democrat states to allow gerrymandering in Democrat favor.

10. Harris supports making Washington D.C. and Puerto Rico states to pack the Senate in favor of Democrats.

11. Harris supports increasing the Supreme Court justices to 12, so that Democrats can select Supreme Court Justice with radical liberal Justices.

12. While Harris was a Senator, she never got passed one piece of legislation because the legislation was too far radical left.

13. Harris was told not to publicly mention her far radical left ideas, as that would turn off the voters.

14. Harris knows nothing about business, economics, curtailing of inflation, how to bring down unemployment, as her mind does not comprehend the foundational principles of moral free enterprise system that has made the U.S. the great economic nation in history. She is a Socialist and Globalist who believes that higher taxes are good because those who have wealthy businesses should be divested of their wealth and give to the poor what the wealthy have earn through hard work, risking capital, and bringing to the public what they want and need. Harris believes in government supporting people from cradle to grave, womb to tomb. This is Communism, which does not give incentives to those who are producers of economic riches and wealth that create jobs.

15. Harris has always sought and has been paid by taxpayers money, and she has never done any act that created a profit from servanthood or hard work to make a profit. She will not rebuild the inner cities to be prosperous with new jobs. She will promise hand-outs by the government to buy votes.

16. Harris will totally bring the U.S. to follow the pattern of Russia and China and all other countries who follow Marx's Communist Manifesto.

17. Harris is a Globalist and believes that military conflict is the way to bring about their one world government. Military defeat causes a nation to submit to the conqueror as the result of losing a war. Yet, every nation wants to be free of tyranny and do not want overseers. We have been in Iraq now since 2003, and the U.S. still has a stronghold on Iraq, including requiring Iraq to sell their oil through the Petrodollar where Iraq's money is in New York under the control of the U.S. Treasury. It's been 21 years since the invasion of Iraq. Globalists have made a fortune because of the war. Also, because of the military weapons sales and the military protection, these countries under U.S. protection are force to buy U.S. Treasury bonds which brings cash flow to the U.S. but at same time further debt.

18. Instead of making America great again, Harris will make America loser again like it currently is under Biden. Harris wants the U.S. as a Communist country that is overwhelmed with the unemployed, illegal aliens, unschooled, and addicts, who refuse to lift themselves out of poverty but see themselves as rightful beneficiaries of a benevolent Socialist government, that gives the Socialist Politicians and Bureaucrats the reason to govern. These Socialists believe they are helping people by paying their living expenses, which is positive reinforcement for the unemployed, unschooled, and addicts not to change and take advantage in America to better themselves. Thus, the more impoverish that come to America, the more the government takes away the consequences of poor judgments by residents, whether legal or not, will take America from being a winner to becoming a loser.Source: Anonymous

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