If this following Youtube message (in the fourth paragraph) goes
to the Supreme Court and they make it mandatory, they will enforce
the Sunday law, close the stores worldwide, which is already
going on in some countries. Even in the U.S. the Pilgrims established
blue laws for the same purpose. Pope Francis wants to enforce
it worldwide through the U.N.
The first constitutional amendment "free
speech" is already violated due to political correctness.
It is very possible that the Supreme Court would make Sunday
worship mandatory. What came to mind is Trump's executive order
that prohibits anti-semitism, which is also against the first
amendment. . .
President Trump is already calling for
a day of prayer. He is in agreement with the Pope because Pope
Francis represents the church to him. President Trump's following
are the conservatives and that's who he caters to.
This is the YouTube:
US Gov't, DOJ Want SDA Sabbath Court Case Heard By Supreme Court
to Define Undue Hardship - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VBzQt15AbqU
"Did Constantine (the Roman Government) change the Sabbath
from Saturday to Sunday?"
Answer: In the year 321 A.D., Constantine decreed, "On
the venerable day of the Sun let the magistrates and people residing
in cities rest, and let all workshops be closed" (Codex
Justinianus lib. 3, tit. 12, 3; trans. in Philip Schaff, History
of the Christian Church, Vol. 3, p. 380, note 1). Constantine
seems to have made this change himself and not through the papacy,
since the papacy had not really come in to being at that time.
The papacy grew gradually out of the
office of Bishop and for many years this was centered in Rome.
In any case, it should be noted that in doing this, Constantine
is not changing the Sabbath; he is merely making Sunday the official
day of rest for the Roman Empire. His motivation was probably
not born out of hatred for the Jews (it's hard to say for sure
why Constantine or any historical figure did what they did) but
out of a desire to adopt what the Christians had practiced for
nearly two and a half centuries. End of answer.
Seventh-day Adventists are the only church I know of, who practice
the biblical Sabbath [Saturday] The rest of the churches have
practiced church on the wrong day [Sunday church]. The Seventh-day
Adventists believe that Sunday worship is the mark of the
beast [666] - Biblical Christians do not agree with that.
We are to follow the third commandment to keep Sabbath Day holy
(in other words a day off from the workweek, a gift from God,
is why He arranged it. Worshipping Sunday is Sun-worship which
is Masonic..
Third of the ten commandments "Thou shalt keep the Sabbath
Day holy!"
God gave the 10 commandments to create
death. We were created eternal
With Jesus Christ the commandments were
changed because nobody but a few would do the 10 commandments
in 4000 years of teaching. There was no resurrection just a few
translations of prophets.
In order for God to get a few into heaven to fulfill His promise
He created His two commandments in Matthew 22:36-37 "Master,
which is the great commandment in the law?
Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love
the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and
with all thy mind." Matthew 22:39 "And the second is
like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself. If you
do these you can't lose:" Matthew 22:40 "On these two
commandments hang all the law and the prophets."
Why am I worried about this? This Supreme
Court issue tells us how close we are to the 7 year tribulation.
The Rapture occurs before the tribulation. If a person doesn't
get raptured they will have to prove that they are believers
by allowing the enemy to behead them.
Pope Francis is already talking like
that. He stated that fundamental, biblical believers are an obstacle
to peace and they must be eliminated. Pope Francis is a 33 degree
Mason (Luciferian) He is the False Prophet who is one with the
Antichrist. We won't know who the Antichrist is until after the
The Ten Commandments given to Moses,
who was to share it with the Jews, not the Gentiles. Jesus came
for the Jews. God had mercy and allowed the Gentiles access when
the Jews rejected Jesus Christ as their Savior. They are still
waiting for Jesus to return. They have already had two years
of animal sacrifices to try to get Jesus to come. That's why
they want to rebuild a third temple which is necessary for doing
sacrifices to God.
The last two years of temple rituals
were blasphemy. Jesus has already died for all sins. There cannot
be any other sacrifice for sins. Part of the third temple is
already built under ground. That's another proof how close we
are for all hell to break lose.
1 Corinthians 7:14 "For the unbelieving
husband is sanctified by the wife, and the unbelieving wife is
sanctified by the husband: else were your children unclean; but
now are they holy."
Acts 16:31 "And they said, Believe
on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved, and thy house."
2Co 13:12 "Greet one another with
an holy kiss"
This was a forunner of what's going to
happen. God saves the family
Genesis 7:13 "In the selfsame day entered Noah, and Shem,
and Ham, and Japheth, the sons of Noah, and Noah's wife, and
the three wives of his sons with them, into the ark;"
Genesis 7:23 "And every living substance
was destroyed which was upon the face of the ground, both man,
and cattle, and the creeping things, and the fowl of the heaven;
and they were destroyed from the earth: and Noah only remained
alive, and they that were with him in the ark."
The son's in law would have been included
but they bucked the angels in Lot's case. Genesis 19:15 "And
when the morning arose, then the angels hastened Lot, saying,
Arise, take thy wife, and thy two daughters, which are here;
lest thou be consumed in the iniquity of the city."
Acts 2:21 "And it shall come to
pass, that whosoever shall call on the name of the Lord shall
be saved."
2 Timothy 2:22 "Flee also youthful
lusts: but follow righteousness, faith, charity, peace, with
them that call on the Lord out of a pure heart." (Really
mean it)
2 Corinthians 11:2 "For I am jealous
over you with godly jealousy: for I have espoused you to one
husband, that I may present you as a chaste virgin to Christ."
Chaste virgin is due to Jesus' death
for all sins, that makes us virtuous or eligible to become His
bride, male or female. He pleads our case to God that He purchased
us with His blood, that we belong to Him and no-one else.
As we are raptured, we are made incorruptible.
Our bodies are run by Satan on earth. All flesh was cursed by
God when He found out that Adam and Eve betrayed Him. They gave
Satan authority over this world. That's what makes us sinners
even if we are good.) Shalom, Rita |
- Cephas Ministry
cordially invites you to subscribe to our free newsletter.
The controversial International Social Pulse deals with the Church
/ Global Issues / Israel, is edited by Rita Williams http://www.go-cephas.com
- Cephas Ministry advocates the original KJV
Bible only to study for truth necessary to become part
of the Bride of Christ. The Bible states that the Bible is the
only truth available to us. As you
have seen in our newsletters a problem has developed with all
Bibles including the KJV to be aware of.. Believe me, it is a fact and devastating.
Many can't handle it and remain in denial and that includes preachers.
The Holy Spirit is about truth and insists that we continue to
present the problem and where you can get information as well
as our website:
- Must see Here I address what is happening to
all the "existing" KJV Bibles and to all other versions,
books and digital media.. http://www.cephasministry.com/final-call.html
- Other Ministries: Jamma of Rapture Watch,
from a Biblical perspective: http://rapturewatch.cephasministry.com
- James Sundquist [Rock to Salt Ministry] has moved
on. Due to my age. I may be next. His website "Biblical
Discernment" is at https://amos37.com/james-sundquist-open-letter-on-zondervan-rick-warren/
- James Sundquist Music Ministry: http://www.eaglemasterworksproductions.com
- Cephas Newsletters now at http://www.cephas-news.com
- Sure Sorry To Have To Close most of The Blogs and Websites
- We have no choice!
- A Media BLACKOUT: If Senate Bill 1273 Passes You Could
Be Fined $15,000 for Sharing Memes on Social Media (Its
comprehensive profit and nonprofits Lawyers will
be part of this Office so the claimant can collect without having
to hire lawyers.)
- July 25, 2019 Dean Garrison
- On July 18, 2019, the Senate Judiciary Committee passed
S. 1273, the Copyright Alternative in Small-Claims Enforcement
Act of 2019 (CASE Act), legislation that will provide U.S. creators
with a viable means for defending their copyrighted works through
the creation of a small claims tribunal within the U.S. Copyright
- The bill was co-sponsored in the Senate by Sens. John
Kennedy (R-LA), Thom Tillis (R-NC), Dick Durbin (D-IL), and Mazie
Hirono (D-HI). Original House co-sponsors include: HJC Chairman
Jerry Nadler (D-NY) and HJC IP Subcommittee Chairman Hank Johnson
(D-GA), as well as Martha Roby (R-AL), Judy Chu (D-CA), Ben Cline
(R-VA), Ted Lieu (D-CA), and Brian Fitzpatrick (R-PA).
- The legislation creates a voluntary small claims board
within the Copyright Office that will provide copyright owners
with an alternative to the expensive process of bringing copyright
claims, including infringement and misrepresentation under 512(f),
in federal court. This new board, called the Copyright Claims
Board (CCB), would allow recovery in each case of up to $30,000
in damages total, with a cap of $15,000 in statutory damages
per work infringed. This comprehensive Bill overrides present
copyright laws for educational purposes. It will extend to Social
Media of all varieties & YouTubes.
- Please read the bill. It will keep you from fines you
cant afford! https://www.congress.gov/bill/116th-congress/senate-bill/1273/text
- It's been very difficult to get a provider for a newsletter.
Most refuse to allow us access because of our subject matter.
We have been around for too long. The Last one wanted us to provide
home address instead of PO Box which is out of the question.
We are still trying. Our email address has been blacklisted for
years which ends up in spam.
- Here we go again: Our YouTubes were
deleted without notice the same with Gmail. Thank you Google.
Due to spiritual war we have
changed our procedures. We love the Lord with all our hearts
and minds and we love all people God has created but especially
those who love our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.
- Our Mission and Statement of Faith are at http://www.cephasministry.com/statement_of_faith.html
- To email go to: r421@earthlink.net
- We believe every word in the KJV Bible and believe
it is the Word of God. Of this you can be sure will never be
changed, that Jesus is the Christ, God Himself, who spilled His
blood on the cross for our sins and rose again to prepare a place
for those who repent and accept 'His' righteousness as
our righteousness. There are those who accept Jesus Christ as
their Lord and Savior, Jews first and then Gentiles. "Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any
man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him,
and will sup with him, and he with me." We
invite you to take this opportunity to say 'yes' to Jesus and
commit your life to Him only. It is a gift (New Testament means
an inheritense) Click on this link: Salvation
- Luke 12:20,21 "But
God said unto him, "Thou fool,
this night thy soul shall be required of thee: then whose shall
those things be, which thou hast provided? So is he that layeth
up treasure for himself, and is not rich toward God."
We pray the Lord will bless you with a thirst for truth and a
desire to serve Him exclusively, in Christ Jesus, Rita Williams
of Cephas Ministry
- We trust that
our readers will not be discouraged. It is Gods
will that we know the times (1 Ch. 12:32; Mat. 16:3) and that we be as wise as serpents
and harmless as doves.
- The Cephas
Newsletter reminds us that the hour is very late, and we need
to be ready for the Lords coming. Are you sure that
you are born again? Are you living for Christ?
- "And
that, knowing the time, that now it is high time to awake out
of sleep: for now is our salvation nearer than when we believed.
The night is far spent, the day is at hand: let us therefore
cast off the works of darkness, and let us put on the
armour of light. Let us walk honestly, as in the day; not
in rioting and drunkenness, not in chambering and wantonness,
not in strife and envying. But put ye on the Lord Jesus Christ,
and make not provision for the flesh, to fulfil the lusts thereof"
- PS We are seeking
the truth and use much material from many sources only when we
believe their material could be of service to you. That should
not imply that we endorse ministries, news organizations or various
authors. We are not all-knowing and cannot predict what people
will write in the future. CMI
- Also simply visit www.goodfight.org/articles
and choose the theater, or you can click on the "Exposés"
link in the navigation bar on our Home Page. We feature individual
movie clips from "They
Sold Their Souls for Rock n Roll" with more clips being
added all the time! So be sure and check back in to the theater
from time to time to see what new movie clips we have added.
We plan on adding clips from all of our DVDs, such as "Hollywood's
War on God", "Hollywood
Unmasked", and more! The Good Fight Theater is a
GREAT way to minister to friends, family and/or loved ones by
allowing them to view specific movie clips on a particular artist
or entertainer, without having to go through an entire DVD.
Our convenient Search bar at the top of the theater makes
it easy to find what you're looking for! So what are you waiting
for? Go check out the new Good Fight Theater! And be sure to
share it with everyone you know who would benefit from this great
ministry tool.
New: Joe Schimmel on
the radio, download his shows: http://www.goodfightradio.org/
- -----
- Brad Myers co-author of Queen
of All The marian apparitions' plan to unite all religions under
the Roman Catholic Church http://www.eternal-productions.org/PDFS/Queen.pdf
- I would like to inform you
of a new end times audio drama that exposes the coming ET and
Marian deception by Jim Tetlow and myself with the help of many
people. It is called 'The Coming Global Transformation.'
- http://www.thecomingglobaltransformation.org/scene5.html
- -----
NEW Materials and NEW Noise of Thunder Radio Shows:
 |
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- John 9:4 I must work the works of
him that sent me, while it is day: the night cometh, when no
man can work.
- Matthew 25:6 And at midnight
there was a cry made, Behold, the bridegroom
- Our ID:
John 1:42 "And he brought him to Jesus. And when Jesus beheld
him, he said, Thou art Simon the son of Jona: thou shalt be called
Cephas, which is by interpretation, A stone."
1 Peter 2:5 "Ye also, as lively stones,
are built up a spiritual house, an holy priesthood, to offer
up spiritual sacrifices, acceptable to God by Jesus Christ."
Matthew 10:16 "Behold, I send you forth as sheep in the
midst of wolves: be ye therefore wise as serpents, and harmless
as doves."
DAYS OF PRAISE - Alive in Him
DAYS OF PRAISE - Hastening His Coming
Revelation 14:14-20
- The Time Has Come
The Bible Calls
It The First Day Of The Week, We Call It Sunday, And It Is The
Foundational Day Of The New Testament Born Again Church Jesus
Shed HIs Blood For
STUDY: The Mind-Blowing True Story Of The Birth Of Jesus Will
Forever Change How You Look At The Roman Catholic Holiday Called
Christ for All Nations Founder, Evangelist Reinhard
Bonnke Passes Away at 79
Bonnke preached to hundreds of millions of people, especially
in Africa throughout his 60-year career.
Ten of the Top Scientific Facts in the Bible -
Bible Prophecy
Update December 29th, 2019
New Years
Eve Fireworks Disneyland Paris New Years Party 2019-2020
New Year's 2020: Dubai puts on stunning fireworks
show at world's tallest building
Louis Armstrong & Mahalia Jackson - Just A
Closer Walk With Thee - 7/10/1970 (Official)
I invite you to
hear James Sundquist"s Anthology of Sacred Carols for Classical
 |
Subscribe |
Pope Francis Unveils
Globalist New World Religion at Summit with United Nations Leader
CHRISLAM UPDATE: Pope Francis Said That In Order
To Have A Universal Peace The Scourge Of Christian
Fundamentalism Must First Be Eliminated, Thats You
Pope, Grand Imam
propose February 4 a World Day of Fraternity to UN
Pope Benedict and
Freemason Infiltration of Catholic Church (Vigano, Brandmuller,
Why did Pope Benedict
Resign? McCarrick, Vigano and Vatican Bank Scandals Explained
in Detail
Pope Francis, Trump and the Christian Revival
Pope Says to NEVER
Try to Convert Unbelievers
Pope Francis condemns
homicidal madness of fundamentalist terrorism
Pope at Santa Marta
warns against the inflexible: The law is meant to set us free
Pope Francis: Rigid
People Are Sick
Pope, UN chief
decry religious violence, including against Christians
Pope SDA Conference Call Adventists A Fringe, Extremists,
Fanatics For Crying Out Against Ecumenism
Approved Christian Cryptocurrency: International Digital Currency.
Jesus Christ Video Game get other addresses from this youtube
the Rosary with Pope Francis is Spiritualism. Click to Pray App
& Praying 2 Virgin Mary 2019
Pope Francis accepts resignation of dean of cardinals,
sets 5-year term limit blog
Pope Francis Compares Trump to King Herod,
Who Tried to Kill Jesus
Pope Francis: 'Rigid' Conservative Christians
are Creating a 'Minefield' of 'Hatred'
Vatican calls Greta
Thunberg great witness of Churchs environmental
Pope's proposal
for 'new humanism' would 'wipe out Christianity' Sep 16, 2019
'Christendom no
longer exists,' pope says, explaining need to revamp Curia
Fundamentalist Christians Are A Plague
Pope Francis Declares
That Christian Fundamentalists Are A Scourge
Legion of Christ
finds 33 priests, 71 seminarian sex abusers Dec 22, 2019
Is China a Model
of the Common Good?
China is
the best implementer of Catholic social doctrine, says
Vatican bishop - use firefox or chrome
Pope calls entrepreneurs, businessmen to embrace
New sex abuse lawsuits could cost Catholic $4B
Francis To Business Leaders: Promote Common Good. March to Sunday
Law. Ecological Conversion
Speculation Is Rising That A Jesuit Takeover Of
The Roman Catholic Church Is Underway With Pope Francis Leading
The Charge From Vatican City
Deceptive New Netflix Series Messiah
Heralds The Coming Of The Biblical Antichrist And Has Based The
Main Character On Dajjal Of Islam
End Times Deceiver Kanye West Will Be The Main
Event When False Teacher Joel Osteen Comes To Yankee Stadium
For Night Of Hope 2020 Spectacular In May
Church Of Sweden Unveils First-Ever LGBTQ+ Altar
Artwork Showing Gays, Lesbians And Transgenders In The Garden
Of Eden Replacing Adam And Eve
After Years Of Protecting Pedophile Priests, Pope
Francis Forced To Outlaw Vatican Pontifical Secret
Code Which Allowed Child Rape To Flourish
THE SBC HAS FALLEN: Southern Baptist
Convention Appoints Gay-Affirming Pro-LGBTQ+ Pastor David Uth
As President Of 2020 Pastors Conference
Exorcists warn: Mainstream culture working overtime
to sell satanism to children
Day Apostasy posing as Revival - Dave Hunt
Hollywood "SDA" Appoints first
Transgender Elder
'' My praise is
about to pay off '' - Apostle Paula White - 8/28/11- WWIC
SBC Chooses Gay-Affirming Pastor as 2020
Conference President
Advocacy group
demands Trump shut down evangelical advisory board
Hundreds of Accused
Clergy Left Off Church's Sex Abuse Lists
Radical Terror-Supporting
Group CAIR Will Be Holding Kentuckys First-Ever Muslim
Day To Promote Islam On January 22 In State Capitol Rotunda
Modern culture
trumps the Bible, says new Christian leader
Self-made cyborg
can unlock his Tesla and do other cool stuff with chip implants
in hands
Gods Elect
godly Politicians, Enact Morals. Mans Greatest Threat
SDA Church Raided. Members Beaten, Bibles Confiscated
& Trashed. Forced to Sign Doc Renouncing Faith
Who are the Jehovah's Witnesses and what are their
beliefs? Founded in 1870
Jehovah's Witnesses: beliefs practices and ERRORS
First Five Editions of the BOOK OF MORMON (1830, 1837, 1840,
1841, 1842)
The Roots of the Baha'i Faith: Part 1
Roots of the Baha'i Faith: Part 2
50 Problems With
The Mormon Church
that Mormonism is False
Convenient Community
Initiative for Mormon Church
SDA are Supporting
Legislation that Aims to Codify Bisexuality and Homosexuality
into Federal Law
Chuck Todd reads
letter on air comparing people of faith to believers of 'fairy
Netflix Comedian
Michelle Wolf Jokes About Having Her Abortion, Said I Am
God After She Killed Her Baby As Her Audience Howled With
Shooting at Texas
Church Leaves at Least 2 Dead and 1 Critically Wounded, Officials
Say [Church of Christ]
List of International Events "Religion and Ecology"
at Yale for 2020
COP25 Training: Growing the Global Multi-Faith
Movement for Climate Justice
Strange Fire, Charismatic
Chaos, & Yoga (Live W/ Ryan Ries)
Ilhan Omar Reads
Islamic Prayer in Catholic Church During Christian Service -
Alpha Conference
2020 At Hillsong Church In Phoenix Will Feature A Mass By Roman
Catholic Priest And Promote The One World Religion Of Antichrist
'I am Jesus Christ'
lets gamers play through being crucified and fight Satan
Utah Substitute
Teacher Escorted Out of Building After Telling Students Homosexuality
Is Wrong, a Sin
Tesla Model 3 Owners
Are Taking The RFID Microchip From Their Key Cards And Implanting
Into Their Arms In Mark Of The Beast Warm Up Act
Digital immortality: Transhumanism may hold key
to eternal life, along with multiple caveats & ethical dilemmas
Trump warns evangelicals: Democrats want to impose
'anti-religious agenda' on America
 |
Subscribe |
A Look Inside Melania
Trump's Spectacular Christmas at the White House
House Democrats unveil two articles of impeachment
against Trump
Pelosi: By the power of this gavel, Trump is impeached
Global Criminal Conspiracy Hatched by the International Banking
Cartel to Rule the World
UN Crying Climate Crisis
as the Means to Interfere In 2020 Elections 12.6.2019
COP25 climate summit starts as UN chief
says the planet faces a point of no-return [We have
to stop digging and drilling]
Danish Academic: UN Might Use Military
Force to Pursue Climate Agenda
U.N.:The Greatest
Threat To Global Security: Climate Change Is Not Merely An Environmental
U.N. Approves New
Internet Convention Backed By Russia And China
Trump campaign to get NATO partners to 'pay their
fair share' is working!
President Trump
signs executive order for federal worker pay raise
Spending deal to give Trump $1.4 billion in wall
Trump campaign to launch religious-voter
outreach coalitions in early 2020 12.12.2019
Trump 2020 Prophecy - Kim Clement 592,873 views
300+ Trump ads taken down by Google,
The Attacks Now Coming At President Trump
From Progressive Laodicean Evangelicals Reveals Deep Infiltration
By George Soros Front Groups
Evangelical Leaders Close Ranks With Trump After
Scathing Editorial
Obamas Officially Purchase $11.75 Million Waterfront
Mansion in Marthas Vineyard
Joe Biden Proposes $1 Trillion in New
Corporate Taxes
BOMBSHELL: Rudy Giuliani Interview with
Glenn Beck
Video of the Day: Biden says hed
sacrifice hundreds of thousands of jobs for bogus Green New Deal
US Lawmakers Mandate
Federal Reserve Develop National Digital Currency. Global Cashless
Germany: All EU Members Must Take in Migrants
Republicans introduce bill to protect
LGBTQ rights and religious freedom ["Fairness to All"
Bill - alternative to the "Equality Act"]
Equality Act HR
H.R.5331 Fairness
for All Act - 12-06-2019
Misguided Fairness
for All Act Would Undermine Religious Liberty
Republicans are
introducing a new compromise LGBTQ rights bill. But everyone
already hates it. [H.R. 5331]
Bill Barr Indicts 8 People For Illegally Funneling
Millions In Foreign Money To Hillarys Campaign in 2016
William Barr: 'Communities' that don't show law
enforcement more respect may lose 'police protection'
of free Speech?
Florida Republicans: "Pardon Roger
In the Boiler Room
Greta Thunberg: TIMEs Person of the Year
Nearly 600 institutions
back Catholic Climate Declaration
Anger erupts at U.N. climate summit as major economies
resist bold action
On Capitol Hill, Jesuit students deliver
58,000 Catholic signatures in support of Senate climate bill
Nov 22, 2019
Pelosi Flying out with Democrats to U.N. Climate
Meeting in Spain
Danish Professor
Suggest Armed War Against Climate Deniers
Yang: Climate Change
May Require Elimination of Car Ownership
Global Warming
Swindle: A Scheme To Redistribute Wealth
Science proves
kids are bad for Earth. Morality suggests we stop having them.
A Swedish scientist
suggested the climate crisis could lead people to consider eating
human flesh. It's not the first time a scientist has suggested
the idea.
Pelosi Pulling Scarier Name Changes For Climate
Change Out Of The Hat
Actress Jane Fonda
Back In Cuffs At Climate Change Protest
Professor: UN Might Use Military To Enforce Climate
Climate scold Greta Thunberg threatens to put world
leaders against the wall if they dont obey
her demands (Video)
Congress nears
repeal of tax on churches 12.18.2019
U.S. Homeland Security Proposes Causing All, Both
Small And Great, To Have Their Faces Scanned
Silicon Valley, big tech wants social credit system in US
China has started
ranking citizens with a creepy 'social credit' system
here's what you can do wrong, and the embarrassing, demeaning
ways they can punish you
Uh-oh: Silicon
Valley is building a Chinese-style social credit system use firefox
or chrome (conceiled info)
Colleges are turning students phones into
surveillance machines, tracking the locations of hundreds of
The Technocratic
State Is The Mortal Enemy Of The Individual
Hunting Season
on Voters Opens with Georgia & Wisconsin Purges Mass Registration
Cancellations ordered by Courts
Sheriff slams Pete
Buttigieg after he pledges to legalize meth, cocaine, and ecstasy
Michael Bloomberg Told Pregnant Employee to Have
an Abortion: Just Kill It
YouTube Plans to
Delete All Content that "Doesn't Make Money" by Next
Larry Page steps
down as CEO of Alphabet, Sundar Pichai to take over networth
$59.3 billion USD Google Cofounder
Planned Parenthood And The Business Of Transgenderism
Paul Volcker: Trilateral
Commission Insider Dead At 92
Vladimir Putin
says Russia open to extending New START treaty with U.S.
In Shocking Blow To Merkel, Germany's SPD Elects
Leftist Leaders, Risking Coalition Government Collapse
Chinese national
indicted for photographing and sketching Key West military base
Pentagon tells
military personnel not to use at-home DNA kits
Netflix Comedian
Michelle Wolf Jokes About Having Her Abortion, Said I Am
God After She Killed Her Baby As Her Audience Howled With
Artificial Wombs
to Make Women Obsolete
If you have spiral
lightbulbs, check them before your house burns down
San Fran Loses
Another Convention Over Skyrocketing Costs, Human Excrement
Millions of Americans
with Obamacare - including men - will get a separate bill for
abortion coverage alongside the rest of their health insurance
starting in June
Baltimore Mayor
Warns Of Body "Snatching" White Van Targeting Young
Girls To Sell Their Organs
Harvard Physicist:
No Safe Way To Implement 5G
FCC Allocates $9
Billion For Rural 5G Rollout
The Threat of 5G must see
robotic grocery store coming to Des Moines
- We had lunch at a fully automated restaurant
Worlds First
Human Composting Facility Coming To Seattle In 2021
After Chick-fil-A
Betrayed Americas Christians, Hallmark Movie Channel CEO
Now Says They Are Open To Making Movies About Any Type
Of Relationship Going Forward
Amazon will break
ground on HQ2 soon: Here's what it will look like
Psychiatric Drugs
Are More Dangerous than You Ever Imagined
Planned Parenthood Will Open Abortion Referral
Clinics in 50 Schools at Taxpayer Expense
Colorados Safe Haven Law Has Saved 66 Abandoned
Babies Since 2000, But More Work to Be Done
 |
Subscribe |
Netanyahu can stay
prime minister for now - High Court
Netanyahu: ICC
makes Jewish rights to biblical Israel a war crime
AG demurs on whether
Netanyahu can form coalition while facing charges
Pompeo: US firmly
opposes ICC announcement on alleged Israeli war crimes
Netanyahu: ICC
decision to probe Israel a dark day for truth and justice
Netanyahu cancels
visit to NATO summit in London, citing logistical problems
Adelsons, Milchan,
Ellison, MKs among 333 witnesses in case against Netanyahu
Netanyahu is already
deep in campaign mode, and Pompeo is his prop
Netanyahu trounces
rival in landslide Likud primary victory
Raise a Red Heifer
in Israel
US Middle East deal of the century leaked? Sorry
Google removed it
Pompeo and Netanyahu
to meet in Lisbon
In surprise change,
13 countries vote against pro-Palestine UN resolution
Watchman Report:
The Coming Third Temple
Computer glitch
causes thousands of patients to receive wrong medical dosage
Netanyahu Discusses
Annexation of Jordan Valley with US Secretary of State
Rivlin Might Give
Bibi Chance for Pardon in Exchange for Retirement
How Palestinian
Leaders Sabotage Palestinians' Interests
Nikki Haley Says
Canada Made Deal With the Devil With Recent Turn
Against Israel at UN
House to Vote on
Resolution Reaffirming Two-State Solution
In rebuke to Trump and Netanyahu, US House passes
resolution supporting 2 states
Jewish Group Urges
Army to End Ban on Biblical 'Dog Tags'
Peace with Jordan
depends on Israel and not Abdullah. Caroline B. Glick
Lawmakers fast-track
bill to dissolve Knesset at midnight, trigger new elections
PA seeks Israels
permission to let East Jerusalemites vote in its elections
Abbas threatens
to cut all ties with Israel if Jordan Valley annexed
Trump to Sign Executive
Order Declaring Jewish People a Nation Just as Written
in Genesis
Million Man March
Planned at Israels Supreme Court
Alongside Pastor
Hagee, Trump Signs Bill to Combat Antisemitism at Hannukah Ceremony
Trumps Support
Among Orthodox Jews Is at 89 Percent: Poll
When The
U.S. Divides My Holy Land, I Will Divide This Land
In A Stunning End
Times Turn Of Events, Jewish Prayer Has Returned To The Temple
Mount As Talk Of Rebuilding The Temple Ignites Controversy In
The New EU Push
For Palestinian Statehood Is Dangerous For Israel
Congress Defies
Trump: Gives PA $150 Million
The Prophetic Significance
of the Modern State of Israel
Sanders calls Netanyahu
a racist, Biden slams PMs outrageous
UN Approves Eight
Anti-Israel Resolutions While Ignoring Rest Of The World
2-state solution is no longer viable
& & & |
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views expressed in these articles are the sole responsibility
of the authors and do not necessarily reflect those of Cephas
Ministry. |
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