Those Things Wich Are Behind
"Finally, my brethren,
rejoice in the Lord. To write the same things to you, to me indeed
is not grievous, but for you it is safe. Beware of dogs, beware
of evil workers, beware of the concision. For we are the circumcision,
which worship God in the spirit, and rejoice in Christ Jesus,
and have no confidence in the flesh.
"Though I might also have
confidence in the flesh. If any other man thinketh that he hath
whereof he might trust in the flesh, I more: Circumcised the
eighth day, of the stock of Israel, of the tribe of Benjamin,
an Hebrew of the Hebrews; as touching the law, a Pharisee; Concerning
zeal, persecuting the church; touching the righteousness which
is in the law, blameless.
"But what things were gain
to me, those I counted loss for Christ. Yea doubtless, and I
count all things but loss for the excellency of the knowledge
of Christ Jesus my Lord: for whom I have suffered the loss of
all things, and do count them but dung, that I may win Christ,
And be found in him, not having mine own righteousness, which
is of the law, but that which is through the faith of Christ,
the righteousness which is of God by faith:
"That I may know him, and
the power of his resurrection, and the fellowship of his sufferings,
being made conformable unto his death; If by any means I might
attain unto the resurrection of the dead. Not as though I had
already attained, either were already perfect: but I follow after,
if that I may apprehend that for which also I am apprehended
of Christ Jesus.
"Brethren, I count not myself
to have apprehended: but this one thing I do, forgetting those
things which are behind, and reaching forth unto those things
which are before, I press toward the mark for the prize of the
high calling of God in Christ Jesus. Let us therefore, as many
as be perfect, be thus minded: and if in any thing ye be otherwise
minded, God shall reveal even this unto you.
"Nevertheless, whereto we have
already attained, let us walk by the same rule, let us mind the
same thing. Brethren, be followers together of me, and mark them
which walk so as ye have us for an ensample. (For many walk,
of whom I have told you often, and now tell you even weeping,
that they are the enemies of the cross of Christ:
- "Whose end is destruction,
whose God is their belly, and whose glory is in their shame,
who mind earthly things.) For our conversation is in heaven;
from whence also we look for the Saviour, the Lord Jesus Christ:
Who shall change our vile body, that it may be fashioned like
unto his glorious body, according to the working whereby he is
able even to subdue all things unto himself. Philippians 3:1-21
- Cephas Ministry
cordially invites you to subscribe to our free newsletter.
It is best to bookmark www.go-cephas.com (index) since
email lists are unavailable for us. The controversial International
Social Pulse deals with the Church / Global Issues / Israel,
is edited by Rita Williams http://www.go-cephas.com
- Cephas Ministry advocates the original KJV
Bible only to study for truth necessary to become part
of the Bride of Christ. The Bible states that the Bible is the
only truth available to us. As you
have seen in our newsletters a problem has developed with all
Bibles including the KJV to be aware of.. Believe me, it is a fact and devastating.
Many can't handle it and remain in denial and that includes preachers.
The Holy Spirit is about truth and insists that we continue to
present the problem and where you can get information as well
as our website:
- Must see Here I address what is happening to
all the "existing" KJV Bibles and to all other versions,
books and digital media..
- http://final-call.cephas-files.com
- Other Ministries: Jamma of Rapture Watch,
from a Biblical perspective: http://rapturewatch.cephasministry.com
- James Sundquist [Rock to Salt Ministry] has moved
on. due to my age. I may be next. His website "Biblical
Discernment" is at https://amos37.com/james-sundquist-open-letter-on-zondervan-rick-warren/
- James Sundquist Music Ministry: http://www.eaglemasterworksproductions.com
- Cephas Newsletters now at http://www.cephas-news.com
- Sure sorry to have had to close some of our blogs and
websites down!
- Please read the bill. It hasn't been agreed to as yet
due to the COVID-19 situation everything came to a halt. Better
to know what is going on than not to. It will keep you from fines
you cant afford! https://www.congress.gov/bill/116th-congress/senate-bill/1273/text
- It's been very difficult to get a provider for a newsletter
list to be notified. Most refuse to allow us access because of
our subject matter. We have been around for too long. The last
one wanted us to provide home address instead of PO Box which
is out of the question. We are still trying. Our email address
has been blacklisted for years which ends up in spam. The best
thing is to bookmark our index to all sites: http://www.go-cephas.com
- Due to spiritual war we have
changed our procedures. We love the Lord with all our hearts
and minds and we love all people God has created especially those
who love our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.
- Our Mission and Statement of Faith are at http://www.cephasministry.com/statement_of_faith.html
- My email : r421@earthlink.net
- We believe every word in the KJV Bible and believe
it is the Word of God. Of this you can be sure will never be
changed, that Jesus is the Christ, God Himself, who spilled His
blood on the cross for our sins and rose again to prepare a place
for those who repent and accept 'His' righteousness as
our righteousness. There are those who accept Jesus Christ as
their Lord and Savior, Jews first and then Gentiles. "Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any
man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him,
and will sup with him, and he with me." We
invite you to take this opportunity to say 'yes' to Jesus and
commit your life to Him only. It is a gift (New Testament means
an inheritense) Click on this link: Salvation
- Luke 12:20,21 "But
God said unto him, "Thou fool,
this night thy soul shall be required of thee: then whose shall
those things be, which thou hast provided? So is he that layeth
up treasure for himself, and is not rich toward God."
We pray the Lord will bless you with a thirst for truth and a
desire to serve Him exclusively, in Christ Jesus, Rita Williams
of Cephas Ministry
- We trust that
our readers will not be discouraged. It is Gods
will that we know the times (1 Ch. 12:32; Mat. 16:3) and that we be as wise as serpents
and harmless as doves.
- The Cephas
Newsletter reminds us that the hour is very late, and we need
to be ready for the Lords coming. Are you sure that
you are born again? Are you living for Christ?
- "And
that, knowing the time, that now it is high time to awake out
of sleep: for now is our salvation nearer than when we believed.
The night is far spent, the day is at hand: let us therefore
cast off the works of darkness, and let us put on the
armour of light. Let us walk honestly, as in the day; not
in rioting and drunkenness, not in chambering and wantonness,
not in strife and envying. But put ye on the Lord Jesus Christ,
and make not provision for the flesh, to fulfil the lusts thereof"
- PS We are seeking
the truth and link to material from many sources only when we
believe their material could be of service to you. That should
not imply that we endorse ministries, news organizations or various
authors. We are not all-knowing and cannot predict what people
will write in the future. CMI
- Also simply visit www.goodfight.org/articles
and choose the theater, or you can click on the "Exposés"
link in the navigation bar on our Home Page. We feature individual
movie clips from "They
Sold Their Souls for Rock n Roll" with more clips being
added all the time! So be sure and check back in to the theater
from time to time to see what new movie clips we have added.
We plan on adding clips from all of our DVDs, such as "Hollywood's
War on God", "Hollywood
Unmasked", and more! The Good Fight Theater is a
GREAT way to minister to friends, family and/or loved ones by
allowing them to view specific movie clips on a particular artist
or entertainer, without having to go through an entire DVD.
Our convenient Search bar at the top of the theater makes
it easy to find what you're looking for! So what are you waiting
for? Go check out the new Good Fight Theater! And be sure to
share it with everyone you know who would benefit from this great
ministry tool.
New: Joe Schimmel on
the radio, download his shows: http://www.goodfightradio.org/
- -----
- Brad Myers co-author of Queen
of All The marian apparitions' plan to unite all religions under
the Roman Catholic Church http://www.eternal-productions.org/PDFS/Queen.pdf
- I would like to inform you
of a new end times audio drama that exposes the coming ET and
Marian deception by Jim Tetlow and myself with the help of many
people. It is called 'The Coming Global Transformation.'
- http://www.thecomingglobaltransformation.org/scene5.html
- -----
NEW Materials and NEW Noise of Thunder Radio Shows:
 |
Subscribe |
- John 9:4 I must work the works of
him that sent me, while it is day: the night cometh, when no
man can work.
- Matthew 25:6 And at midnight
there was a cry made, Behold, the bridegroom
- Our ID:
John 1:42 "And he brought him to Jesus. And when Jesus beheld
him, he said, Thou art Simon the son of Jonah: thou shalt be
called Cephas, which is by interpretation, A
stone." 1 Peter 2:5 "Ye also, as lively
stones, are built up a spiritual house, an holy priesthood,
to offer up spiritual sacrifices, acceptable to God by Jesus
Christ." Matthew 10:16 "Behold, I send you forth as
sheep in the midst of wolves: be ye therefore wise as serpents,
and harmless as doves."
signature is in our D N A - Oct 16, 2020 (I was shown 'the name
of God' and dismissed it since I didn't know how to relate to
it. Today I find this video. We have an awsome God.He wanted
me to understand it).
Fulness of the Gentiles - Oct 15, 2020
Does It Mean To Be Born Again
The Discipling
Church: The Church That Will Stand until Christ Comes - David
Isaiah - 40,782 views - 10.26.20 (Ednote: I don't agree with
his mark otherwise excellent)
Prophecy Update"Initiation Rituals" Pastor J.D. Farag
Calvary Chapel Kene'ohe Hawai'i - 10/11/20
CHRIST ON STANDBY.......... RIGHT NOW - Oct 10, 2020
Does The Bible Say Is the Great Whore Of Babylon? NOT YOU OR
I, But God's Word? HEAR THE ANSWER!
Guarantees ALL Saved Believers Go in the Rapture
A 1500
mile Cube
Hast Thou Forsaken Me
3 Visions
Of The Rapture - It's Time To Share
The Rapture is Coming
Amazing Sign In The Sky!! Sukkot Ends On October 9th!! Rapture
Imminent!! Oct 8, 2020
Rapture Watch of All Time?! Hoshana Rabbah! Oct 5, 2020
Move of the Holy Spirit Confirmed!!! You Must See This! Part
How Do I Glorify God in My Daily Life? // Ask Pastor
John - 122,064 views - Jul 27, 2020
Do I Tell If I Am Lukewarm? // Ask Pastor John
What Does Jesus Mean by I Never Knew You?
// Ask Pastor John
Do I Know If the Holy Spirit Is in Me? // Ask Pastor John
2030 (Pastor Charles Lawson)
Evils of Abortion & Declare Christ's Forgiveness
SAYS THERE ARE 7 EVENTS COMING 3,326,404 views - Dec 21, 2018
 |
Subscribe |
PODCAST: Pope Francis Actively Campaigning For Democratic Due
Date Abortion Candidates Joe Biden And Kamala Harris
Have you ever wondered why we call Jorge Bergoglio, the Socialist
Jesuit from Argentina, the False Prophet? If youre still
unsure, todays podcast will clear all that up for you.
Francis' encyclical is a shot at President Trump right before
the election - Oct 7, 2020
His Holiness Pope Francis | Our moral imperative
to act on climate change - 3 steps we can take - (not in English)
Campaign 2020 - Son of Soros - Oct 8, 2020
'Amazing allegations' surface of allegedly corrupt
Vatican officials: Bolt
Pell meets with Pope Francis amid mounting Vatican financial
scandal - 666 views - Oct 12, 2020
Pope Francis refuses to meet the US Secretary of State | Mike
Pompeo | Vatican-China Deal - 71,713 views -
Download - The Popes Manifesto - Oct 6, 2020
Francis Fires Cardinal Becciu & Cardinal Pell Strikes Back:
Schneider: Catholics need to pray for Pope's soul after gay civil
union remarks - Oct 23, 2020
thickens for Vatican money wiring scandal - Oct 22, 2020
Pope in TED talk: Earth cannot be squeezed like
an orange Oct 10, 2020
Francis Mints Mother Earth Coins: Great Mother Goddess and a
G20 Interfaith Forum Meets
This Week To Advance The One World Religion Of Chrislam As Laid
Out In The Popes Declaration Of Human Fraternity Oct. 14,
Pope Francis calls for civil union laws for same-sex
couples - 10.21.2020
Vortex The Homosexual Papacy? Dec 20, 2019
Pope Francis Declares That No One Gets Saved
Alone As He Prepares To Attend Chrislam Ecumenical Peace
Event In Rome Next Week
Lord said to me, I am going to give your president a second
win. " 69,611 views - Oct 18, 2020
Trump speaks at International Church of Las Vegas:
"I love going to churches."
TRUMPING POLITICS: President Biden and the War
on Christian America - 67,751 views - Oct 1, 2020
In UN Rebuke, Trump Administration Leads
A 32-Nation Signing Ceremony Of Declaration That States There
Is No International Right To Abortion
Trump: Evangelicals Value Jerusalem more
than Jews: Psalms 126 says Rabbi
Modern 'Commercial
Law' is based on Ancient Babylonian Codes
at JOHN MACARTHUR'S CHURCH - 41,251 views - Oct 23, 2020
Having a Form of
Godliness but Denying the Power Thereof - Way of Life - David
Lord Confirmed My Snake Bite Dream Was The Vaccine/ Mark Of The
Beast! We ARE AT THE END!!!
The enemy shows his plans beforehand - Oct 15,
mark of the beast explained - Oct 13, 2020
in Ten 10/8/20: Gov. Cuomo Threatens Religious Institutions Again
- Oct 8, 2020
Gov. Cuomo: I
Dont Care About Your Religion You Have
to Follow the Rules of the StateOct 9, 2020
Judge upholds restricions on houses of worship
in New York
Trump Slams de
Blasios Crackdown of NY Jews: What Does this Grim
Picture Remind You Of?
We Live
In A World Of Lies!!! (Extended Cut w/ "Trump & The
Great Reset") Spencer Smith
Final Moments | Critical END TIMES Message | The
Unseen Spiritual War Rages!!! Oct 7, 2020
The 27 Characteristics of the AntiChrist
Zechariah 11:17 Woe to the idol shepherd that leaveth the flock!
the sword shall be upon his arm, and upon his right eye: his
arm shall be clean dried up, and his right eye shall be utterly
- Woe to the idol-shepherd, who, like
an idol, has eyes and sees not, who, like an idol, receives abundance
of respect and homage from the people and the chief of their
offerings, but neither can nor will do them any kindness. He
leaves the flock when they most need his care, leaves them destitute,
and flees, because he is a hireling; his doom is that the sword
of God's justice shall be upon his arm and his right eye, so
that he shall quite lose the use of both. His arm shall wither
and be dried up, so that he who would not help his friends when
it was required shall not know how to help himself; his right
eye shall be utterly darkened, that he shall not discern the
danger that his flock is in, nor know which way to look for relief.
This was fulfilled when Christ said to the Pharisees, I have
come that those who see may be made blind, Joh 9:39. Those that
have gifts which qualify them to do good, if they do not do good
with them, shall be deprived of them; those that should have
been workmen, but were slothful and would do nothing, will justly
have their arm dried up; and those that should have been watchmen,
but were sleepy and would never look about them, will justly
have their eye blinded.
about Abraham & Noahide Laws Agenda Infiltration - 10.10.2020
"Woke" - Satan's "Born Again"
Experience - Oct 7, 2020
God of wokeness is a jealous God' set on stamping out religious
competition New York Jews
Betrayal Of Christianity" - 10/1/20 Anthony Patch
Why Progressive Christianity Is 'Another Gospel'
Powerless Churches
and a Wicked Nation - Way of Life - David Cloud
False Prophets Face Plant...Again
protesters topple statues of Theodore Roosevelt and Abraham Lincoln
- 43,080 views - Oct 12, 2020
of Rage - Oct 12, 2020
Assembly Of God Church Departs Denomination,
Goes Fully Inclusive For LBTQ Community
Cloud Friday Church Notes 10.16.20
Catholic Church: Masterpiece Of Deception
Interview: To Elect Trump, Evangelicals
Could Find Common Cause with Muslims
Mitz Nelson, and I'm an Ex-Mormon - 1,071,049 views - Aug 22,
to Family About Leaving Mormonism - Jun 14, 2019
Polygamy to Jesus: The Testimony of Susan Ray Schmidt
34 Wives of Joseph Smith (And Their 11 Husbands) - 172,458 views
- Mar 15, 2010
Amid COVID-19, Pro-Lifers Push to Avoid
Abortive Fetal Cells in Medicine
...Trumps treatment included an antibody developed by Regeneron
Pharmaceuticals, which used a fetal tissue cell line from an
abortion in the 1970s to test the efficacy of the drug. Several
COVID-19 vaccine candidates also use this cell line. The actual
drug cocktail contains two antibodies. The first uses embryonic
mouse stem cell linesnot human onesgenetically altered
to contain human antibodies from previously recovered patients,
a research technique often termed humanized mice.
The second antibody is produced in hamster cells. The Charlotte
Lozier Institute, affiliated with the pro-life Susan B. Anthony
List, deemed it an ethical treatment because of the
composition of the drug. The institute has not advocated against
the use of animal stem cells....
Vaccine Taking The World Right Into Mark Of The
Beast | You HAVE TO SEE THIS | Bone Chilling - Oct 13, 2020
Biden's Dangerous Endorsement Of The Transgender
Children Movement
REALLY COMING: A Counterfeit New World Order and a Real Great
Deception (Part 1 of 7) - Oct 26, 2016
YouTube Age-Restricts the
Gospel of Jesus Christ - 71,617 views - Oct 21, 2020
Has Asked Me to Pause Ministry and Refresh. May Be Last Message
Before Rapture. Believe Jesus!!
 |
Subscribe |
Germanys China Problem - 434,854 views -
Oct 10, 2020
Destroys Huawei Factory in China - 533,053 views - Oct 3, 2020
UN Agenda 2030 (Council of Europe, Avenue
de l'Europe F-67075 Strasbourg Cedex, France)
Gravitas: Is Boris Johnson Unhappy with his salary?
Oct 19, 2020
Melt Down - Oct 12, 2020 Fact News Network - Steve BeNoon Trump,
a Jew confirmed Messiah of Daniel 9:27
President Trump
Received Regeneron Experimental Antibody Treatment
Trump's Gift Of Human Fetal And Mouse BLT Streamed
live 4 hours ago Oct 10, 2020
Trump says he will donate his own plasma!(Blood) - Oct 9, 2020
From God, Nano, And Barr
McConnell dodges health questions despite bruised face, bandaged
hands | New York Post - 10.23.2020
Kamala? 3,810,232 views - Oct 14, 2020
and Harris Hold a Rally, No One Shows Up
win would reset Saudi ties - Oct 22, 2020
Biden Calls Sen. Harris Husband, Doug Emhoff, 'Kamalas
Wife' - 369,572 views - Oct 27, 2020
Report: Biden Looking
at NY's Cuomo as Possible Attorney General If Elected (Cuomo
'no way')
Kamala Harris kept in witness protection for entire
candidate running against Maxine Waters unleashes viral campaign
ad - 349,252 views - Oct 12, 2020
Biggest Central Bank Power Grab in History
Great Reset: World leaders to harness COVID and pursue
'sinister' climate agenda - 54,594 views - Oct 10, 2020
The Top Bombshell: New York Times Calls For UN To Occupy USA
- FULL SHOW 10/8/20
Pelosi: Dems Looking
at 25th Amendment Due to Trump's COVID-19 Diagnosis
Biden Used AR Contact
Lenses To Read Scripted Talking Points In Tuesday Night Debate
With President Trump
Navarro: Chinese Communist Party Has Endorsed
Biden-Harris, Making Common Cause to Beat Trump
Bannon: China is Bigger Than Burisma! Top Democratic leaders
involved? Oct 22, 2020
Twitter: China and Covid-19: what went wrong in
Wuh - 10.19.20
Dems want to completely change our government - Oct 9, 2020
Good News:
I watched quite a bit of the future justice Amy Coney Barrett
hearing this week 10.11.2020. She stated that vaccinations can't
be mandatory if there are other medicines available according
to the Constitution.
Adams aka "The Health Ranger" | Exclusive Preview of
The Truth About Vaccines 2020
- TheRemnantTVideo - Oct 16, 2020
German Neurologist On Face Masks: Oxygen
Deprivation Causes Permanent Neurological Damage
AstraZeneca shares
turn negative after Brazilian health authority says volunteer
in Covid vaccine study dies
18 Reasons to forgo flu vaccinations
this year (by MD) 08 Oct 2020
Colorado health officials rolling out
exposure notifications for COVID-19 with new app
Free app will let you know if you've
been exposed to coronavirus
Biocompatible near-infrared quantum dots
delivered to the skin by microneedle patches record vaccination
Fast, cheap, accurate: Researchers pin
hopes on Nobel Prize-winning CRISPR-technology tests to detect
coronavirus - gene-editing technology
New England Journal Of Medicine Promotes Mandatory
Vaccinations, Tells States How To Do It
Richard Besser M.D.response to caller
on Cspan2 about vaccinations - Oct. 21, 2020
"So the word you used there that I think is important for
people to remember is "potentially." There is no guarantee
that we will have a vaccine against COVID. I am optimistic. This
administration has put a lot of money into supporting development
of vaccines. If one of these vaccines is to be effective, for
several of them productions is already underway and that is a
good thing. But we have to be cautious and we have to recognize
that the public health measures we are doing are the best tools
we have right now. The reason I put so much emphasis on that
is that over the course of my career in public health, there
have been tremendous efforts to create vaccines to get some of
the world's biggest infectious disease threats - HIV, Malaria,
Dengue Fever, Zika Virus.
- You don't have a vaccine for any of
them. Despite the efforts of scientists putting hard work and
a lot of money into those disease efforts, those control efforts,
we don't have a vaccine. I remember when HIV Pandemic started.
I was a medical student at the time. The word was, hang in there,
within a year we will have a vaccine. That has been a long time.
That was in the 1980's. So while we should be optimistic and
excited about all the work going on around vaccine, there is
no guarantee we are going to have one each week -
- If we even have a vaccine, vaccines
vary in terms of how effective they are. A measles vaccine is
about 95% effective. It is one of the best we have out there.
Other vaccine, while they reduce your risk, like a flu vaccine,
that may only be 30%, 50% effective. It varies by year. The FDA
this time has set a threshold of 50%, so any vaccine that would
be licensed has to reduce your risk by at least half. Say a vaccine
is 70% effective, and 70% of the public gets it, that would leave
half of the public, 50% of people, still at risk of this. So
we will have to continue to do those measures to reduct transmission
in addition to the vaccine. "
The World Health Organization has finally confirmed
what we (and many experts and studies) have been saying for months
the coronavirus is no more deadly or dangerous than seasonal
Dr. Shrei Yenpenny by Kevin Caldon published on
2020-10-28 - Vaccine Covid Vaccine Coming Whats In It
CNN: Pfizer to Start Testing its Covid-19 Vaccine
in Children as Young as 12 by Erin Elizabeth - Oct 19, 2020
U of O Scientist Seeking Edible Vaccine for COVID-19
Hopes to Put Them in Veggies that People Would Eat
GMO Technocrat Scientists Are Redesigning The Entire
Food Chain
Scientists Create GMO Golden Meat With
Plant Genes
First Test Of 'Immunity Passports' Taking Place
The Latest Research on How Long COVID-19
Antibodies Stay in Our Bodies (at least three months)
Kroger to offer rapid COVID-19 antibody tests at
all pharmacies $25 a prick - @9NEWS Oct 28 (Ednote: Used for
Covid-19 Antibodies are only good for 3-4 month)
WHO Flip-Flops: Urges World Leaders To
Stop Using Lockdowns To Fight COVID Contagion Oct 12, 2020
Regeneron Position Stem Cell Research
CDC Reveals Hospitals Counted Heart Attacks
As COVID-19 Deaths
Are Irreconcilable And Intolerable Foolishness - Oct 13, 2020
CDC has not isolated the virus
BREAKING: Big Pharma Pleads Guilty to
the Tune of $8 Billion, Big Win for Trump Administration Opioid
- OCTOBER 23, 2020
Presidential Debates
Ignore 2000-Lb Elephant of Immigration
Delta adds 460
passengers who refused masks to 'no-fly' list
45 missing children recovered during largest statewide
anti-human trafficking operation in Ohio - Oct 26, 2020
the World's Largest Science Experiment 434,494 views - Jan 3,
from the ALICE Experiment at CERN - 8K - Oct 6, 2020
Encampments Spread to venice beach new Skid row
Goldman Sachs Charged in Foreign Bribery Case and
Agrees to Pay Over $2.9 Billion 10.22.2020
Great American Mask Rip Off - Oct 7, 2020
A New COVID Passport
Being Tested at Newark and Heathrow Could Help Reopen Global
NY wedding with 10,000 attendees shut
down amid COVID-19
NEW MADRID SEISMIC ZONE -- Thermal releases (hot
spots could be COVID cases? Oct 6,2020 (world wide)
Earthquake swarm breaks out on NEW MADRID SEISMIC ZONE @ Success,
Arkansas Oct 7, 2020
& Fire Map & Volcanoes. 10-5-2020 - Oct 5, 2020 world
California Brush Fire Forces 60,000 People to Evacuate
Fire Prompts Evacuations For 60,000 People
Apocalyptic sign of the times raging wildfires
two new fires!!!! - Oct 17, 2020 (Colorado lots of road closures
173,000 acres on fire)
fires burning underground pose new threat MIRROR - Sep 30, 2020
Watch the next link it will explain hot spots, the earth's core
is heating up
FIRMS Fire Information for Resource Management
System (the red spots are hot spots that are coming from the
core of the earth heating up. Compared to yesterday 10.14.2020
there is an improvement today)
Management Associates Emergency Preparedness Kits and Planning
Briefing October 17, 2020 (about the hotspots and tremors on
the West Coast)
364 earthquakes on one day 10.19.2020
Earthquakes striking next to high voltage power lines across
WHOLE USA - 190,684 views - 10.25.2020
THE ATMOSPHERE(!) Oct 16, 2020
CDC Study Finds
Overwhelming Majority Of People Getting Coronavirus Wore Masks
White House Eyes
Nationalizing 5G Network Via Single Public-Private Partnership
Dr Thomas
Cowan explains in 10 min the effects of Electromagnetic Forces
(EMF) on humans below
Pentagon To Move Its Biometrics Data To Amazon
Cloud Services (AWS)
Marxist Black Lives
Matter Co-Founder Patrisse Cullors Signs Production Deal with
Warner Bros.
Enjeti: Wall Street Billionaire CAUGHT Paying Epstein Millions
After Visiting Private Island - 535,785 views - Oct 13, 2020
- The Hill
Fukushima To Dump 1 Million Tons Of Radioactive
Water Into Pacific 10.18.20
 |
Subscribe |
[MIRROR] Update On The 3rd Temple - Peace Deal
- Noahide Laws - One World Religion - Sep 20, 2020
- [must watch for Christians]
approves IL-UAE Abraham Accords; COVID-related unrest intensifies-TV7
- Oct 12, 2020
Trump announces
Israel-Sudan peace deal, has call with Netanyahu, Sudan leaders
With Netanyahu on phone, elated Trump predicts
one unified family in Mideast
Israel expects Oman to normalize next,
Mossad chief says Saudi deal soon - 24 October 2020
hopes for peace with Lebanon; to support Greece-Cyprus in EastMed-TV7
Israel News - Oct 28, 2020
Opinion: A lot of people on the Jewish right and
in the pro-Israel community are panicking about Trump's looming
defeat. But a Biden victory could be good news for Netanyahus
political survival
Why Religion Must Be Part of the Peace
Process - October 27, 2020
- [... In a clear break from the past,
the Abraham Accords indeed fulfill this directive. They constitute
a paradigm shift that holds out the promise of a new Middle
East, albeit one built on a different foundation than the
one Shimon Peres had in mind.
- The declaration that constitutes the
preamble to the agreements states, We encourage efforts
to promote interfaith and intercultural dialogue to advance
a culture of peace among the three Abrahamic religions and
all humanity. The agreement between Israel and UAE
goes on to say, recognizing that the Arab and Jewish peoples
are descendants of a common ancestor, Abraham, and inspired,
in that spirit, to foster in the Middle East a reality in which
Muslims, Jews, Christians and peoples of all faiths, denominations,
beliefs and nationalities live in, and are committed to, a spirit
of coexistence, mutual understanding and mutual respect
The Parties undertake to foster mutual understanding, respect,
co-existence and a culture of peace between their societies
in the spirit of their common ancestor, Abraham, and the new
era of peace and friendly relations ushered in by this Treaty,
including by cultivating people-to-people programs, interfaith
- In other words, political peace between
Israel and the Gulf States is founded upon peace among religions.
Furthermore, this peace among religions is founded upon recognition
of the common patrimony of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam.
We all are children of the same father. Thirdly, this peace among
religions is based upon not only a common patrimony but also
a common spiritual legacy of to use the popular philosophical
term ethical monotheism... ] [Ednote: Bible believers
do not have the same God. Allah is not a God of three persons.
The Jews rejected Jesus Christ therefore did not receive the
Holy Spirit. Believers cannot participate in the third Temple.]
Why Believers have to be wide awake today
Rabbi Yaakov Cohen (Director, UN NGO The Institute
for Noahide Code) - Jan 31, 2017
al-Aqsa: A 360° tour of Jerusalem's holiest mosque - 1,232,352
views - Jul 24, 2017
Daniel 9:27 "And he shall confirm the covenant with many
for one week: and in the midst of the week he shall cause the
sacrifice and the oblation to cease, and for the overspreading
of abominations he shall make it desolate, even until the consummation,
and that determined shall be poured upon the desolate."
In first since annexation suspended, Israel approves
2,100 new settlement homes
Meeting Saudi FM, Pompeo encourages normalization
with Israel
Netanyahu, Katz wont compromise
on budget with Blue and White
Defying protest
ban, thousands of Israelis demonstrate against Netanyahu
Netanyahu says
full lifting of lockdown may take up to a year
Netanyahu to Lebanese
People: Israel Means You No Harm, but Iran Does
Germany to include
Israel in EU deal for vaccine, citing special relationship
New Report: Kamala Harris tied to Hamas
Front Group by Adam E. Berkowitz | Oct 14, 2020 | US-Israel Relations
How False Assumptions
Prevent Israeli-Palestinian Peace - October 8, 2020
Abbas slams Israel-Sudan
deal: No one can speak on behalf of Palestinians-
23 October 2020
Treating Saeb Erekat
- PLOs secretary general is on life support - in an Israeli
hospital - 21 October 2020
US Jewish Groups
Overjoyed by Israel-Sudan Peace Announcement
on US brokering peace agreement between Israel, Sudan: It was
a historic day - Oct 23, 2020
Assad Seeking Peace Deal With Israel: Report - Sep 29, 2020
Syria affirms opposition
to 'all agreements with Israel enemy'
Lebanon says framework
agreed for Israel maritime border talks
Abbas calls for
UN-led peace conference early next year
Saudi heir and Jared Kushner inch kingdom towards
deal with Israel
UN ambassador: Another country will recognize
Israel in day or two
The Arab pinch on Palestinians to unite
ultimatum to Palestinian Authority false; Iran meddles
in US elections-TV7 Israel News Oct 08, 20
Israel Signs Historic Aviation Deal With
Jordan That Will Allow Flights Directly Over Selah Petra Where
Jews Will Fly To In Revelation 12 - 10.8.2020
Top European rabbi to address Saudi Arabia
interfaith forum
Top rabbi who urged
disregard for coronavirus rules has COVID
Hoping to outdo Trumps miracle cure,
Israelis develop new antibody cocktail - 11 October 2020,
Israeli Rabbi Says
Hes Already Holding Meetings With Messiah 10.15.2020
Israels biggest rabbis are all afraid to leave the country
lest they miss Messiahs coming
stumped after discovering 2,500-year-old royal palace in Jerusalem
Multiple fires
cover Israel, some allegedly caused by Palestinians - OCTOBER
9, 2020
News Live - 10.4.2020 Asteroids
Peter Beinart, the New York Times and
the Coming Campaign to Eliminate Israel
Former Chief Rabbi
of Israel Hints at Location of the Messiah
Israels top Rabbi just ordered
a ceremonial white robe to greet the Messiah
Rabbi In Israel Claims Hes Already
Holding Meetings With The 'Messiah' - Oct 26, 2020
invites leaders of Armenia, Azerbaijan for urgent peace talks
- Oct 9, 2020
Promise of hydrogen-fueled
future lights a fire under Israeli innovators
Israel begins mass-producing coronavirus vaccines
ahead of human trials
Disclaimer: The
views expressed in these articles are the sole responsibility
of the authors and do not necessarily reflect those of Cephas
Ministry. |
- (In accordance with
Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, this material is distributed without
profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving
the included information for research and educational purposes.)
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