Period: August 2024
For Monthly News

Be merciful unto me, O God, be merciful unto me: for my soul trusteth in thee: yea, in the shadow of thy wings will I make my refuge, until these calamities be overpast.
I will cry unto God most high; unto God that performeth all things for me. He shall send from heaven, and save me from the reproach of him that would swallow me up. Selah.
God shall send forth his mercy and his truth. My soul is among lions: and I lie even among them that are set on fire, even the sons of men, whose teeth are spears and arrows, and their tongue a sharp sword.
Be thou exalted, O God, above the heavens; let thy glory be above all the earth. They have prepared a net for my steps; my soul is bowed down: they have digged a pit before me, into the midst whereof they are fallen themselves. Selah.
My heart is fixed, O God, my heart is fixed: I will sing and give praise. Awake up, my glory; awake, psaltery and harp: I myself will awake early. I will praise thee, O Lord, among the people: I will sing unto thee among the nations.
For thy mercy is great unto the heavens, and thy truth unto the clouds. Be thou exalted, O God, above the heavens: let thy glory be above all the earth.
Psalms 57:1-11 KJV <<To the chief Musician, Altaschith, Michtam of David, when he fled from Saul in the cave.>>

Cephas Ministry cordially invites you. It is best to bookmark (index) since email lists are unavailable for us. The controversial International Social Pulse deals with the Church / Global Issues / Israel, is edited by Rita Williams. Index of our Network:

Cephas Newsletters now at

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We believe the KJV Bible, the Word of God. Of this you can be sure and will never be changed, that Jesus is the Christ, God Himself, who spilled His blood on the cross for our sins and rose again to prepare a place for those who repent and accept 'His' righteousness for their righteousness. There are those who accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior, Jews first and then Gentiles. "Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with me." We invite you to take this opportunity to say 'yes' to Jesus and commit your life to Him only. It is a gift (New Testament means an inheritense) Click on this link: Salvation
Luke 12:20,21 "But God said unto him, "Thou fool, this night thy soul shall be required of thee: then whose shall those things be, which thou hast provided? So is he that layeth up treasure for himself, and is not rich toward God."
We pray the Lord will bless you with a thirst for truth and a desire to serve Him exclusively, in Christ Jesus, Rita Williams of Cephas Ministry

We trust that our readers will not be discouraged. It is God’s will that we know the times (1 Ch. 12:32; Mat. 16:3) and that we be as wise as serpents and harmless as doves.
The Cephas Newsletter reminds us that the hour is very late, and we need to be ready for the Lord’s coming. Are you sure that you are born again? Are you living for Christ?

"And that, knowing the time, that now it is high time to awake out of sleep: for now is our salvation nearer than when we believed. The night is far spent, the day is at hand: let us therefore cast off the works of darkness, and let us put on the armour of light. Let us walk honestly, as in the day; not in rioting and drunkenness, not in chambering and wantonness, not in strife and envying. But put ye on the Lord Jesus Christ, and make not provision for the flesh, to fulfil the lusts thereof" (Rom. 13:11-14).

PS We are seeking the truth and link to material from many sources only when we believe their material could be of service to you. That should not imply that we endorse ministries, news organizations or various authors. We are not all-knowing and cannot predict what people will write in the future. CMI



John 9:4 I must work the works of him that sent me, while it is day: the night cometh, when no man can work.
Matthew 25:6 And at midnight there was a cry made, Behold, the bridegroom cometh!!
Our ID: John 1:42 "And he brought him to Jesus. And when Jesus beheld him, he said, Thou art Simon the son of Jonah: thou shalt be called Cephas, which is by interpretation, A stone." 1 Peter 2:5 "Ye also, as lively stones, are built up a spiritual house, an holy priesthood, to offer up spiritual sacrifices, acceptable to God by Jesus Christ." Matthew 10:16 "Behold, I send you forth as sheep in the midst of wolves: be ye therefore wise as serpents, and harmless as doves."

Just in case the Rapture Has Taken Place, what now?
Prophecy Update: Trouble On All Sides! - 1.40K views 8.26.24
Trusted Ministries Warn Pulpits, 'America Is Doomed Unless The Church Wakes Up And Steps Up' - August 29, 2024
Prophecy Update: Holy Smokes, this is How They Are Doing It! - 1.34K views 8.28.24
The Importance of Bible Prophecy
Jesus Warned Us: In The Last Days, People Will Ignore Prophetic Warnings - August 28, 2024
They Open Their Church To Satan Then THIS Happens | Off The Kirb - 4,082 views Aug 31, 2024
Biblical Illiteracy Is At Astonishingly High Levels In The Church, New Study Reveals - August 27, 2024
EXPLOSIVE VISION For The Temple Mount!! - 50,103 views Aug 26, 2024
Prophecy Update: Why Few Teach Prophecy When It's Most Needed - 1.65K views 8.25.24
'Iwas spiritually dead': WATCH Top college football team lead huge revival with scores of baptisms - August 27, 2024
The Rapture is NOT What You Think… - 15,228 views 8.30.24
Silver Trumpets sounded on Temple Mount - 17,735 views Aug 21, 2024
People Don't See It But It's Already Started - 280K views Aug 2, 2024
Kim Clement Trump Prophecies in 2007 | Prophetic Rewind | House Of Destiny Network - 175,199 views Nov 13, 2022
Oh my God (Will someone tell us how these visions are done?? They are certainly not natural)
Oh my God 2
Prophecy Update: The Rebellion Has Begun! Pastpr Tom Hughes - 8.22.24
'Face of Jesus' unveiled by AI using Shroud of Turin after astonishing discovery - Aug 21, 2024
God Is Delaying for You! :: August 20, 2024
Max Lucado Connects The Supreme Court to God's End Times Plan | Tipping Point with Jimmy Evans - 51,770 views 8.21.24
Evangelist Lou Engle Calls a Million 'Esthers' to DC Mall for 'America's Last Stand' October 12, 24 at DC Mall - 8.21.24
Are They Rolling Out the Mark of the Beast System? - 6.2K views 8.19.24
Prophecy Update: We're Looking at the Beginning of the End! - 8.20.24
Christians Being Forced Out Of Foster Care/Adoption Over Biblical Values - 8.20.24
Decline Of The Church - Half Of Pastors No Longer Have A Biblical Worldview - 8.20.24
Hope for our Times with Pastor Tom Hughes - 8.20.24
Doctor Who Died and Visited Heaven Sheds Light on Life After Death: 'I Was Being Held by Christ' - 08-19-2024
Thousands shut down Hollywood Blvd for Jesus (2024) - 8.20.24
Muslim converted to Christianity - 12,272 views Aug 17, 2024
Evangelicals make up smaller share of US population than commonly thought: report - August 16, 2024
Look Out for These SIGNS of the END TIMES - 9,419 views Aug 17, 2024
THE BIBLE WAS RIGHT AGAIN! - Look At What They Are Already Doing To People - 3,894 views 8.18.24
Logic - 7,852,426 views 8.17.24
1 Million Muslims in Iran Have Turned to Christ as 50,000 Mosques Closed - Aug 16, 2024
Prophecy Update: Normal Won't Return! - Jesus Will! - 8.16.24
Jesus loves you, with you I will guide you. - 8.16.24
Jesus MET me with His love.
The Lamb and the 144,000 on Mount Zion - Revelation Series: Part 46 - 13,349 views Aug 11, 2024
Global Instability: Prelude To The End Times - 8.13.24
Hundreds of Salvations Occurred at the Olympics: 'True Winning Isn't Just Going After Gold but God' - 08-14-2024
Kendrick Brothers Aim to Ignite Massive Move Within American Church With Powerful New Film - 8.15.24
Christians, You MUST Know This About Donald Trump and Kamala Harris - 16,161 views 8.15.24
We Really Are Living in The End Times! - August 11, 2024 by Michael
Olympic gold medalist Yemisi Ogunleye goes viral singing gospel song after victory - August 14, 2024
Christian Ministries Report Revival in the Islamic World, 'One Million Iranians Have Turned to Christ' - August 14, 2024
2024 Election: Prophetic Insights into Our Global Future! Join Us September 6 & 7
ORU's Viral - 18 Million Instagram Views
1000s WORSHIPPING AT WESTERN WALL ISRAEL #worship #music #love #shortsfeed - 8.14.24
Iran's Jesus Revolution: Mosques Close as 1 Million Muslims Accept Christ - 08-13-2024
"This Is An Early Antichrist Sign" Robert Breaker On The Antichrist In 2024?! - 10,567 views 8.13.24
Celtic Woman - Amazing Grace - 580,303 views Jun 24, 2024
NEW INFO! Book of Daniel Tells Us Who Makes the Covenant with the Many? (Antichrist or Someone Else) 7,124 views
People giving their lives to Jesus on the Huntington Beach pier! - 8.11.24
Put on adams blessing and 2020 - "The Hidden Rapture Code" Could this Rosh Hashanah be the year??? 1,448 views 8.11.24
"The 70th Week Has Just Begun" Robert Breaker On The Last 7 Years - 2,667 views 8.11.24
God is saying to you today - 8.10.24
TRUMP SAID WHAT? - 8.10.24
Hundreds of Christians marching in San Francisco - 8.10.24
God Always Loves Us No Matter What, Hosea 1-2 - August 8th, 2024 - 8.8.24
Prophecy Update: Why There Must Be a Pre-Tribulation Rapture of the Church - 8.9.24
'I'll never doubt You again': World's fastest man praises God following Olympic victory - August 07, 2024
Israeli Group Practices Red Heifer Ritual In Front Of Al-Aqsa Mosque - Aug 08, 2024
Why The Majority Choose To Be Oblivious To The State Of Our World - August 7, 2024
Prophecy Update: The World Has Lost Its Mind! - 1.21K views 8.8.24
Thousands worshipping Jesus on Hollywood
British diver Andrea Spendolini-Sirieix gives glory to God after winning Olympic medal - August 06, 2024
Reality or Scripted Chaos: Either Way It's a Wild Ride! | with Pastor Tom Hughes & JB Hixson - 27,554 views Aug 6, 2024
Why the Biblical Command 'Pray for the Peace of Jerusalem' Is More Relevant Now Than Ever
Surprise! Watch NFL hall of famer stun crowd by voicing Gospel in public - August 7, 2024
Every Believer is a Preacher
A World In CHAOS: We Are THERE! - 59,592 views Aug 5, 2024
Prophecy Update: The Increasing Knowledge of Prophecy at The Time of The End - 1.16K views 8.5.24
Holding To A Biblical Worldview Has Never Been More Critical - August 5, 2024
Don't Stay Silent as The World Runs Headlong Into The Judgment Of God - By Hal Lindsey - 8.5.24
Prophecy Update: This is What God Is About to Do! - 1.38K views 8.5.24
US gold medal winner Hunter Armstrong says he had 'no other choice' but turn to God - August 05, 2024
The Video The UK Doesn't Want to See - 17,728 views 8.6.24
"The Second Coming Must Be BEFORE This Happens" Robert Breaker On Revelation - 8.6.24
"The Rapture Must Be BEFORE This Occurs" Robert Breaker on Matthew 24 - 355,361 views Jul 11, 2024
WARNING: Are We About To See The Perfect Economic Crash That Will Make Way For A NEW WORLD Leader? 30,320 views
I will follow you! - August 2, 2024
'Coming move of God': 2,000 baptized during 'Jesus Revolution' baptism at California beach - August 02, 2024
This is an Emerging Global Digital Prison (and You're the Target) - 8.2.24
UK and US Witness Thousands Turning to God in Post-Pandemic Revival - Aug 01, 2024
Life After Death Is Real! Here Are 5 Examples Of People That Met Jesus During Near Experiences - 8.1.24
What will Heaven be like? Here is your answer - By Greg Laurie
It's Now The Time Of The End Unseal The Book, Daniel 12 - 28,533 views August 1st 2024
Israel Prepares For ATTACKS From ALL Sides… - 47,278 views Aug 1, 2024
Prophecy Update: War in Israel? Pastor Tom Hughes - 1.49K views 8.1.24
Bible Prophecy Update | Daniel Cohen | Tom Hughes | Joe Pedick | 20,220 views 07-30-2024
Is Technology Fulfilling Bible Prophecy? AI, Antichrist and Prophecy | Tipping Point - 61,617 views Jul 31, 2024
'Something Has Shifted': Pastors Report Revival Fires Spreading in the UK - August 1, 2024
Chinese Christian Leader Arrives in US for Medical Care after 16 Years in Jail, "I Pray Constantly" - August 1, 2024
This is revival in Portugal!
Friday Church News Notes - August 2, 2024 - Volume 25, Issue 31
Prophecy Update - The Lukewarm Church Is Alive And Well Today - July 28, 2024 o J.D. Farag
Prophecy Update - A Thief In The Night - July 14, 2024 o J.D. Farag
Are CBDCs Getting a Rebrand as "Digital Cash"? - 7.24.24
No accident you're seeing this! RAPTURE and TRIBULATION Coming! Here's a Way of Escape! - 1,214 views Aug 2, 2024
People Don't See It But It's Already Started - 49,302 views Aug 2, 2024
Nobody MOCKS God on their deathbed! Olympics, John MacArthur, Voddie Baucham, Paul Washer, RC Sproul - 21,150 views Paris Olympic Boxing Controversy...(A Biblical Perspective) - 11,019 views 8.1.24



RICK JOYNER- KNIGHT OF MALTA - 1,938 views Mar 25, 2022
Chris Reed's Victim Speaks Out - 17,246 views Aug 30, 2024
My Resignation At MorningStar And Then…. - 130,007 views Aug 29, 2024
Rick Joyner Addresses Chris Reed's Departure and Shares Hopeful Insights - 39K views 9.1.24
Chris Reed Suddenly Resigns From Morningstar Church - 4,718 views 8.29.24
Rick Joyner Addresses Chris Reed Resignation from Morningstar Ministries - 8.29.24
What Keeps Muslims From Accepting JESUS (Ex Muslim Explains) | POWERFUL!
Freemasonry And The Catholic Church (EVERYTHING You Need To Know) 111,180 views Oct 13, 2023
Ukraine passes law banning Orthodox denomination with historic ties to Russia - August 22, 2024
Bringing the Biblical Jesus to the Latter-day Saints
Pope Francis Orders Humanity To Follow 'Universal Bishop' Klaus Schwab During 'End Times' - 159K views 8.17.24
Catholic analyst explains why the UK has been overwhelmed by anti Muslim riots - 8.16.24
They Just Banned Church and I Expect God Will Send Judgement - 164,844 views 8.17.24
Commie Pope Francis Outrageously Labels Israel's Defensive Actions in Gaza as "Terrorism" - Aug. 16, 2024
Was Joseph Smith Jr. A False Prophet?
Christian Ministry Sides With Secular Culture, Expressing 'Sadness' Over Pro-Lifers, Not Abortion - August 16, 2024
The Pope says there is no hell
Here's What People NEED to Realize About Kamala Harris | Ken Ham - 32,407 views 8.13.24
How Muslims Are Being DECEIVED About Jesus - 79,840 views Aug 8, 2024
Famous Christian Musician Admitted This!!! - 2,603 views 8.6.24
Casting Crowns Joins Forces With Roman Catholicism!!! - 3,559 views 8.5.24
Voodoo, Vampires and The Dark Side | Billy Crone - 16,936 views Aug 2, 2024
Colleges Across America Offer Radical Courses On Witchcraft And Divination - Ken Ham - August 2, 2024
Pope Francis Tells Pro-LGBT Conference He Will Be 'Spiritually with All of You United in Prayer' - Aug. 1, 2024
New Leaked Video of Bohemian Grove Ritual - Aug 02, 2024
Mistress of 'Jesus Christ Money Master' author gets life in prison for role in Ponzi scheme - August 02, 2024
Why Do We Need To Be Aware Of Jehovah's Witnesses' False Teachings?
Music Will Unite All Religions!!! - 8.4.24
BREAKING NEWS | Pope Francis Supports LGBTQ Conference Led by Father James
Faith Healing Fraud Nancy Dufresne: Cruelty on Display - 20,355 vieews 8.2.24
Faith Healing Fraud Nancy Dufresne: Cruelty on Display - 18,138 views Aug 2, 2024
What's wrong with Catholicism?


Cephas Observer

For Your Considearion!!
Silenced - 470K views Aug 26, 2024
In Europe, Growing Calls for Musk to Be Arrested - 8.25.24
Elon Musk Fires Off Warning to Americans After Brazil Bans X - Aug. 30, 2024
On the first day without X, many Brazilians say they feel disconnected from the world - 8.31.24
Judge tosses lawsuit alleging Elon Musk caused dogecoin investors to lose billions - Aug. 30, 2024
Georgia election workers seek control of Giuliani's assets to collect on $146M defamation judgment - 8.30.24
Trump's $563 million in civil penalties could come due before year's end - August 30, 2024
Far right eyes political earthquake as Germans head to the polls - 8.30.24
China Shutters More than One Million Restaurants as Economy Withers - 8.30.24
6G revolution begins: Researchers achieve record-breaking data speeds - Aug 30, 2024
INSANITY! 60,000+ Survey Flights in ONE Year! SITREP - 46,890 views Aug 29, 2024
Socialist Uprising: Chicago Plans to Launch City-Run Grocery Stores - Aug. 27, 2024
Satanic Temple Vows to 'Raise Hell' in Florida as DeSantis' School Chaplain Law Goes Into Effect - .28.24
Pope Francis: Turning Away Migrants Is a 'Grave Sin' - 8.28.24
Warren Buffett Sells Another $981 Million in Bank of America Shares in Unprecedented Stock Sell-Off, Including Apple
France's leftist coalition fumes over Macron's rejection of its candidate to become prime minister - 8.27.24
Ex-Head Of Pentagon UFO Program Claims 'Alien Bodies Have Been Recovered' By The US Government 8.21.24
The U.S. Government Set 'Traps' to Catch UFOs, Former Pentagon Official Claims - Aug 22, 2024
X Down: Social Media Giant Suffers Global Outage, Many Users Face Interruption - August 28, 2024
UPDATE: AT&T has resolved the service outage - August 27, 2024
Russia to begin cryptocurrency trials to ease payment sanctions - Aug 27, 2024
Former Prosecutor Reveals Trump Could Delay 'Hush Money' Sentencing 'Forever' - August 27, 2024
If Everything Is So Great, Why Are Millions Of Americans Sleeping In Their Vehicles? - August 26, 2024
AI 'Godfather' Warns that Time Is Running Out to Properly Control Artificial Intelligence - 8.23.24
GOP Condemns 'Unfair' Bill Passed by California Senate To Give Illegal Immigrants Home Loan Assistance - 8.27.24
Terrorist Watch Lists, How Everyone is being Targeted w/ Richard Lighthouse - Aug 27, 2024
'Indoctrination': Colorado Parents Outraged by Elementary School LGBTQ History Standards Launching This Fall
'Blood on their hands!' Trump goes nuclear on Harris and Biden as American hostage found dead - 9.1.24
WATCH: Man gets kicked off flight for wearing Donald Trump T-shirt flipping the bird - September 1, 2024
State energy manager 'retires,' but keeps getting paid for months - September 1, 2024
'We are thrilled': State's highest court reverses itself in fight over confiscated home equity - September 1, 2024
Rotten - 303K views 8.28.24
Zuckerberg Reveals Biden Admin Pressured Facebook, Instagram to Censor COVID Content - 08-28-2024
BREAKING: Zuckerberg's Turning On The Deep State Signals The Globalists Are In Deep Trouble - 2,480 views 8.28.24
Supreme Court Declines to Hear Challenge to Student Loan Forgiveness Block - August 28, 2024
Federal Prosecutors Expected to Drop over 250 Jan 6 Cases after Supreme Court Decision - August 29, 2024
Federal Judge Blocks Biden's Amnesty Plan as He Vows to 'Fight' for Illegal Aliens - August 29, 2024
Republican States Call on Supreme Court to Block Biden-Harris 'Methane Emissions' Rule - August 29, 2024
Biden's Executive Amnesty Hits Roadblock - August 28, 2024
Here's The Real Story Of How America's Squatter Epidemic All Began - 8.30.24
Denver, Aurora mayors say exaggerated migrant gang coverage is creating 'hysteria' - 8.30.24
Tech coalition presses Newsom to reject AI regulation bill - Aug 28, 2024
Vermont Department of Health Urges Schools Not to Use Words Like 'Son' or 'Daughter' - 8.30.24
Trump Warns Zuckerberg: Cross Me Again, and It's Prison Time! - 8.31.24
School district spent hundreds of thousands for 'energy healer' who uses 'sacred geometry' - August 24, 2024
Biden just lost 818,000 jobs … not including his - Aug 24, 2024
Watch Tucker go SILENT when RFK drops new CIA JFK BOMBSHELLS - 208,019 views Aug 30, 2024
State Officials PANIC | Homeowners Bankrupt very interesting - 17,644 views 8.30.24
All Mosques In Germany HAVE To GO! - 118,467 views Aug 27, 2024
What's Happening in Aurora Colorado is Coming NATIONWIDE - 8.29.24
In 34 Days NEARLY 5M U.S Homes Won't Be Able to Be SOLD or Refinanced! - 93,491 views Aug 26, 2024
California Homeowners Facing Major Increases in Insurance Rates (34%) - 8.29.24
BREAKING: Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Declares War on Chemtrails, Could Persuade Trump to Ban Chemicals in the Sky - VIDEO
DISRESPECT: Biden No-Show At Arlington Cemetery, Only Trump Attends Service Honoring Afghanist
IVERMECTIN Tested against 28 types of Cancer - which cancers were most sensitive to Ivermectin? Which were least sensitive?
Do not get an Mpox shot - Aug 22, 2024
Alvin Bragg's Conviction of Trump in Jeopardy, Legal Expert Warns - August 28, 2024
BREAKING: Gavin Newsom JUST ANGERED 91 million Americans! - 6,862 views 8.28.24
It's NOW LAW: RESET of Car Ownership in America | Car Industry to Lay off 100,000 - 5935 views 8.28.24
Australians Get 'Right To Disconnect' From Jobs After Hours - 8.27.24
The PLAN: Wall Street to OWN 40% of ALL Homes By 2030 - 6.26.24
While Everyone is Distracted This JUST Happened | Millions to LOSE Their Home - 106,402 views Aug 25, 2024
Startling News From the Federal Reserve - 8.26.24
NEWS DROP ?? They Are NOT Telling Us This (SHTF News) - 79,741 views Jul 31, 2024
FATAL WARNING To All States DO NOT EAT THIS - 113,299 views Aug 25, 2024
In financial panic, Planned Parenthood closing 4 locations in major state - August 25, 2024
BREAKING: Telegram founder PAVEL DUROV FACES 20 YEARS IN PRISON IN FRANCE - 350M views 8.24.24
Scandalous Oprah Winfrey Video Leaks After She Appears At DNC - 10,474 views
King Charles' Funeral Plans Underway: 'Death Is a Possibility' for Ailing Royal Amid Cancer (Pancreatic Cancer) - Aug 21, 2024 King Charles III Unveils Rare Personal Health Update Amid Cancer Diagnosis - August 22, 2024
New ATM technology is coming that will enforce vaccine compliance before you're allowed to access bank deposits
Former FBI Special Agent Talks about Fake Alien Invasion - 8.22.24
'Crisis Levels': How Dem-Backed Law Turned Deep Blue City Into Haven For Young Criminals - 8.22.24
Federal Judge Blocks Biden's Sweeping Noncompete Ban from Coming into Force - August 23, 2024
Top Doctor Blows Whistle: Monkeypox Is a Side Effect of Covid 'Vaccines' - August 23, 2024
German doctor says monkeypox is a SCAM - it's just COVID "vaccine"-induced shingles under a different name - 08/22/2024 Neuralink brain chip patient is playing video games with mind in 'out of body experience'
Elon Musk wants to implant millions of people with Neuralink brain chips - 8.23.24
Walmart Just Issued A Direct Warning.. "PREPARE BEFORE SEPTEMBER" (Scary!) - 6,126 views 8.22.24
US City Imposes LOCKDOWN - 27,624 views 8.22.24
Former Top Presidential Aide Claims He Was Briefed on 'Otherworld Technologies' by CIA - 8.22.24
The Denver Homeless Killings | Unidentified Serial Killer Documentary
Florida Human Trafficking Bust Leads to 148 Arrests, Seven Victims Recovered - August 21, 2024
More Inflationary Woes: Credit Card Debt Hits Record $1.14 Trillion - August 21, 2024
7 pro-life activists convicted for abortion clinic blockade, face 10 years in prison - August 21, 2024
SCOTUS Refused to Ban Federal Censorship Pressure; It Could Make Churches Complicit in Abortion - August 21, 2024
California advances 0 down, no payment home 'loans' for undocumented immigrants - August 21st 2024
Trump Says That It Is A "Massive Scandal" That Democrats Got Credit For 818,000 "New Jobs" That Never Actually Existed - Biden-Harris admin exaggerated job growth by over 800,000 - Trump calls it a 'massive scandal' - 8.21.24
Global digital marking system coming soon to United States of America: Biden admin working on draft executive order -
Ronald Reagan was right all along - 107,898 views Aug 10, 2024
Biden Rushing Executive Order to Force Digital ID onto Americans - August 21, 2024
Trump proposes death penalty for human trafficking - 07/21/23
Pure Evil: Planned Parenthood Reportedly Ends Lives of 25 Innocent Babies with Medicated Abortions Offered at the DNC -
NASA spots mysterious object moving 1million mph through space -
Have false gods infiltrated American politics? 'Politics in the Pews' podcast explores
Biden-Harris Put Seven More Pro-Life Advocates in Prison for Protesting Abortion - Aug 20, 2024
China On The Verge: Welfare State Crumbles, Explosion In Social Unrest As Youth Unemployment Soars, Strikes Surge
New study focuses on kids in poverty (133,000) - 8.21.24
Outraged San Francisco condo residents are being kept awake at night by parking lot full of driverless cars that constantly beep at each other
Putin Opens Door to Global Refugees Seeking Escape from 'Western Liberal Ideals' - Promises Safe Haven for Those Embracing Traditional Values
Thanks To The Cost Of Living Crisis, U.S. Household Debt Has Soared To The Highest Level Ever Recorded - August 19, 2024 7-Eleven target of $31B takeover bid from owner of Circle K stores - Aug. 19, 2024
Doctor Who Died and Visited Heaven Sheds Light on Life After Death: 'I Was Being Held by Christ' - 08-20-2024
University of Kentucky Latest University To Shut Down Diversity, Equity, Inclusion Office - 8.20.24
BLM-supporting DC councilmember Trayon White arrested by FBI in $156,000 bribery scheme
Congestion Taxing: A Bad Idea at Any Price
SEC Charges Carl Icahn With Hiding Billions in Stock Pledges - 8.19.24
America: The death rattle of a culture? - August 16, 2024
Chilling report from Holland's Geert Wilders - Aug 12, 2024
Thailand's Parliament Picks New Premier Amid Chaos - August 16, 2024
EU Rolling Out Controversial Vaccination Card - August 18, 2024 |
Panic grows that iconic Burning Man festival famed for drugs and orgies is on verge of COLLAPSE after washout 2023 event
Kamala Harris's Leftist Stepdaughter Pushes Controversial Drug Ketamine - 8.17.24
Teachers Are Leaving Their Jobs in Large Numbers as Unruly Thug Teens Push Them to the Breaking Point - Aug. 17, 2024
3 California 7-Elevens Robbed Within 20 Minutes After Newsom Signs Anti-Smash-and-Grab Law - Aug. 17, 2024
Southern Californians Blindsided by Sky-High Electricity Bills After New Socialist "Time of Use" Pricing System Goes Into Effect - Aug. 17, 2024
Real estate lawsuit settlement upends decadeslong policies that helped set agent commissions - 8.15.24
CHANCELLOR KENT VS. THE OLYMPICS - 08.03.2024 - Chris Pinto
Blood-soaked Chicago prepares to host the DNC after 11 people shot over the weekend as local businesses are boarded up - Planned Parenthood To Offer Free Vasectomies, Abortions to Attendees of Democratic Convention - 8.16.24
Keep your Eye on one Thing that's Government Spending
O My God (looks like an angel flying to the light)
Trump made $300k from selling Bibles - NBC - 8.16.24
Tennessee congressman introduces articles of impeachment against Kamala Harris: 'Incompetence' - 8.17.24
General Mike Flynn & Clayton Morris: High Alert! The Next Phase of the Coup Is Coming (Video) (scroll down the page) -
Turn Your Eyes to the Heavens as 4 Supermoon Spectacles Follow This Year's Rare Solar Eclipse - 08-16-2024
Last Denny's in San Francisco closes due to rampant crime, rising costs - 8.16.24
Woman charged in brazen plot to extort Elvis Presley's family and auction off Graceland - 8.16.24
Recalled cucumbers in salmonella outbreak behind 449 illnesses, CDC says - August 16, 2024
Watch: Amazon's Alexa Says Trump Wasn't Shot - Aug 16, 2024
Parasites/Trilaterals Over Stockholm/Dr. Nass/Monkeypox/CA Law Enforcement is No Friend to Kamala - August 17, 2024
Starbucks customers reveal the infuriating reasons they are abandoning crisis-hit coffee chain - 17 August 2024
UK Threat More Serious Than Realized - Aug 11, 2024
Gallup poll: most Americans want businesses to keep quiet about current events - 8.15.24
US Supreme Court upholds injunction against Biden-Harris admin's unlawful attempt to rewrite Title IX - 8.16.24
House of Cards - SITREP 08.15.24 - 47K views 8.15.24
From Global Financial Crisis To The Mark Of The Beast In 10 Steps - 8.16.24
Red Alert! Virtually All Of Our Personal Information, Including Social Security Numbers, Has Been Stolen And Posted Online By Hackers
Robber sentenced for stealing $400K in jewelry from NYC 'Bling Bishop' during service - August 15, 2024
Televangelist Keith Moore gets third jet priced at $17.5M; Creflo Dollar's new jet listed at $18.6M - August 14, 2024
MK Ultra Has Been Deployed on Everyone - Aug 16, 2024
DOJ suddenly located Biden biographer transcripts created by Robert Hur: watchdog - August 15, 2024
Subway Calls 'Emergency' Meeting With Franchisees As Fast-Food 'Value Wars' Potentially Claim First Casualty
U.S. Justice Department Reportedly Considers Breaking Up Google - 8.15.24
Your Social Security Number Has Been Hacked And Likely Sold - 114K views 8.14.24
Euthanasia deaths may be tortuous - March 5, 2021
Look what that is, is it the legendary seven fairies? Too magical and rare, rarely seen - 1,428,615Views - Jun 102024
I'M READY! Ailing King Charles ABDICATES The Throne As William REVEALS He's Ready To Take Over.- 9,280 views 8.16.24
Top tech firm pulls support for Calif. AI bill
Progressive city shockingly dismisses cases against over 70 criminals including sex pests and domestic abusers
5 people killed in weekend violence in Denver area - 1,827 views Aug 11, 2024
Monkey Pox: New Global Pandemic? | Kap Reacts - 263,672 views 8.15.24
Thousands Of Businesses Are Going Bankrupt, But The Economy Is "Fine" - August 13, 2024
POLL: 39% of Americans Are Worried That They Can't Make Basic Payments - Aug 07, 2024
CNN Effectively Worthless After Parent Warner Bros Takes $9.1 Billion Writedown - Aug 08, 2024
Kamala Harris Ordered Raid on Undercover Journalist Who Exposed Planned Parenthood's Sale of Baby Parts, Seized Videos to Block Their Release to the Public
Overcorrection Underway? UK Goes to War With The Internet After Social Unrest it Blames on Social Media - 8.9.24
Famous all-news radio station in major U.S. city dumping news for troubling reason
Tucker Carlson Live Tour Beginning Sept 2024
Second chip successfully implanted in human brain, Musk: It's working very well - 8.13.24
Homelessness grew in Denver, new count shows - but more people are sleeping inside under initiative - 8.14.24
"It's About Your Money': New EU Vaccination Card Will Be Used to Control Access to Banking, Other Services - 8.8.24
Trump Loses a Bid for Delay in Georgia - but Fani Willis Is in Danger of Losing Her Job Prosecuting Him Due to Her Romance -
A "Retail Apocalypse" Is Gaining Momentum All Over America. Is Your Favorite Chain Closing Stores? - Aug 14, 2024
61-Year-Old Brit Gets 18 Month Prison Sentence For Chanting "Who The F**k Is Allah" - Aug 14, 2024
Is there a Satan Club in your kids' school? - August 14, 2024
Common Sense 101 - The Venezuelan prison gang known as Tren de Aragua has taken over an apartment complex in Aurora, Colorado, right outside of Denver - 209 views 8.15.24
Aurora mayor addresses claim on Venezuelan gangs taking over parts of the city - Aug 8, 2024
Kaiser launches largest generative AI project in healthcare - 8.14.24
Anti-Christian Bill just passed in the House - Bill H.R. 6090 - 21,923 views May 2, 2024
Episcopal Church launches AI chatbot 'AskCathy' - August 12, 2024
US Churches Face Soaring Insurance Costs - August 13, 2024
Gen Z's Mental Health Is Being Impacted By 'Decaying Culture' - 8.14.24
X Conversation Between Musk And Trump Generates Over A Billion Views - Aug 13, 2024
Watch: Trump & Musk 'Break The Internet' As EU Censorship Czar Issues Explicit Threat - Aug 13, 2024
U.S. Said to Consider a Breakup of Google to Address Search Monopoly - 8.13.24
Kids online safety bill that had broad Senate support hits roadblock in House - 08/14/24
What Do You Really Know About Mind Control?
Kamala Harris Wants to Shut Down Pro-Life Pregnancy Centers - Aug 12, 2024
Home Depot Raises Alarm over Economy as Election Looms - August 14, 2024
America's Birth Rates Plunge to 'Historic Low' as Deaths Surge - August 12, 2024
The Deal is Signed: Fast Food Giants Do The UNTHINKABLE - 138,248 views Aug 11, 2024
Elon Musk: "I Am OFFICIALLY Buying Facebook!!" - 43,765 views Aug 5, 2024
Muslim Cleric Converting Scottish Island to Islamic Extremist 'Homeland' to Be Ruled under Sharia Law - August 11, 2024
How One Man Lost $740,000 To Scamers - 7.29.24
CNN cites SHARIA LAW as defense in $1 billion defamation suit - 08/09/2024
Kaiser Permanente posts $908M operating profit in Q2 - 8.12.24
Biden Administration Sends Taliban $239 Million in Error - Aug 11, 2024
Wow, this is concerning - 6.11.24
King Charles In Extreme Panic Over Camilla's BOLD MOVE Regarding Prince William's Decision - 162,698 views Jul 27, 2024
Camilla Shocked by Catherine's Increasing Power After King's Bold Move #shorts
Princess Anne Told Camilla "You're NOT Queen!" Claims Princess Diana's Dress Maker! - 125,767 views Jul 30, 2024
CHAOS As King Charles STRIPS Camilla's CONSORT Title & EVICTS Her From Palace After Shock DEED. - 85,853 views
Charles SHOCKED With Princess Anne's BIG Move In Support Of William & Catherine To Shift Monarchy - 8.11.24
Denver: Thornton police: Shots fired north of I-25 in officer-involved shooting Sunday - 8.11.24
Denver: 1 dead in Pioneer Park shooting: Police - 2,337 views 8.11.24
Denver: Commerce City site of 3 deadly shootings resulting in 4 deaths - 765 views 8.11.24
Tulsi Gabbard on TERRORIST WATCH LIST - 8.7.24
Turn off your phone's WiFi
Iraq is Legalizing "Child Marriage" at Age of 9 years Old (Like Their Prophet Muhammad) - 8.8.24
NYC using drones to alert people about the flooding concerns in storm - 2,103 views Aug 7, 2024
Denver will shatter last year's record number of evictions. Tens of millions in rental assistance haven't stopped the crisis. -
Why Do 1 in 9 Children Now Have ADHD Diagnosis? - 8.1.24
The US Literally Cannot Repay Its National Debt. - 2,443,451 views Jul 20, 2024
The Brits gave up their guns and now they are put in jail for Facebook posts
Whitney Webb: "Something HORRIBLE Happened At CERN That Scientists Can't Explain" - 466K views 8.9.24
Emergency trucks have just pulled up outside the White House gates Multiple entrances to the White House have been blocked off.
Comer Requests Documents on Kamala Harris for Border Crisis Probe - August 8, 2024
Brighteon Broadcast News, Aug 9, 2024 - New warning: Get out of the cities or PERISH in the coming chaos - 14,497 views
Creepy Bill Gates Envisions a 3-Day Work Week Powered by AI - 8.8.24
Here We Go: WHO Chief Calls Emergency Meeting of Experts to Decide if Monkeypox Outbreak Warrants Highest Level of International Health Alert
Think before you post! Content that incites violence or hatred isn't just harmful - it can be illegal.
Texas pays over $358K to end lawsuit over atheist group's Bill of Rights 'nativity' scene - August 08, 2024
Vietnam: Christians Raise Concerns About Country's New President - August 8, 2024
Britain Tackling Anarchy Amid Anti-Islam Riots - August 8, 2024
Noah Lyles Exits Track In Wheelchair After Securing Another Medal For Team USA - 8.8.24
Tulsi Gabbard fears for family and freedom upon learning Harris admin allegedly targeted her for surveillance - 8.9.24
Lawmakers explore AI benefits, risks at national summit - 8.6.24
BREAKING: Red Heifer Ritual Practice Run Talk show Endtime - 8.9.24
'[Bleep], this is close': New bodycam footage shows immediate aftermath of Trump assassination attempt - 8.8.24
CNN Effectively Worthless After Parent Warner Bros Takes $9.1 Billion Writedown - Aug 08, 2024
Venezuela's Maduro Bans X for 10 Days as His War With Elon Musk Escalates
Brighteon Broadcast News, Aug 8, 2024 - US and UK government attacks on free speech go into HYPERDRIVE as chaos accelerates
England is rolling out nightmarish online censorship rules after the riots - 8.9.24
Third suspect - an 18-year-old Iraqi citizen - arrested in connection with foiled Taylor Swift concert terror plot in Austria -
Economist Warns Collapse Of Japanese Economy Has Already Triggered Financial Chaos Worldwide - 32,993 views




More than 100 Israeli warplanes attack thousands of rocket launchers in 'preemptive' strike against Hezbollah in Lebanon
Israeli archaeologists discover unique ancient seal affirming biblical account of Jerusalem 2,700 years ago - 8.29.24
IDF kills most wanted terror commander in Judea and Samaria; Israeli soldier lightly wounded in Tulkarm gun battle -
Are We About to Repeat History in the Middle East? SITREP - 56,768 views Aug 27, 2024
Greek Oil Tanker that Iran-Backed Houthis Hit Becomes 'Ecological Disaster' in Red Sea - 8.26.24
Israel receives 500th aircraft with military supplies from US - 8.26.24
Hamas official boasts Oct. 7 derailed normalization processes, says never to two states - Aug 24, 2024
10 key excerpts from "One Jewish State" by Ambassador David Friedman - September 1, 2024
Protests escalate in Israel after 6 hostages' bodies are recovered in Gaza - September 1, 2024
'Devastated': Biden vows Hamas 'will pay for these crimes' after dead American hostage recovered - Sept 1, 2024
Jewish Immigration to Israel Surges Following October 7 Attack - August 28, 2024
US Rushing To Normalize Israel-Saudi Relations - August 28, 2024
Israel kills Palestinian commander, traps civilians in West Bank incursion - 8.29.24
India's Modi, With the Mideast in Turmoil, Shifts His Approach Dramatically, Offering Open Support for Israel - 8.31.24
Car Bombs Explode at Gush Etzion Gas Station and Karmei Tzur - August 31, 2024
EXPOSED: Hamas Forged 'Independent' Survey Results to Claim Widespread Support - 26 Av 5784 - August 30, 2024
Why is the U.S. State Department Obsessed with the Temple Mount? - 75,431 views Aug 28, 2024
Report: Hostage families receive threatening calls from captives' phones - August 25, 2024
Israel and Hezbollah step back from the brink of wider war - for now - August 26, 2024
New explanation suggests F-35 strike killed Hamas terror leader at Tehran guesthouse - August 25, 2024
A Potential Harris Presidency Would Be The Most Anti-Israel Administration In US History - August 22, 2024
Amir Tsarfati: If God Had Not Intervened, This Could Have Been A Very Different Week For Israel - August 22, 2024
IDF Says Hostage Bodies Recovered From Gaza Have Gunshot Wounds, Suggesting They Were Murdered In Captivity
Hezbollah Fires 50 Rockets at Golan Heights, Hitting Israeli Homes, "This is a Great Miracle that Happened Here" - 8.21.24
Biden Pushes Netanyahu to Ease on Corridor Demands - 8.21.24
Palestine is no more real than Never-Never Land - August 21, 2024
US military deployments 'ongoing' to defend Israel, Biden tells Netanyahu - 8.31.24
Hezbollah fires 115 rockets at Israel after IDF hits weapons depots in east Lebanon - 20 August 2024
Iran says it will not take 'hasty action' against Israel for killing of Hamas political leader - August 21, 2024
Biden says Hamas 'backing away' from hostage-ceasefire deal, as Blinken heads to Egypt - 20 August 2024
Prophecy Update: The Biggest Threat to Israel Is Coming! 1.0K views 8.21.24
Has God supernaturally thwarted Iran & Hezbollah from launching apocalyptic missile attacks against Israel? Or is the attack still coming? - 8.20.24
IDF strikes Hezbollah weapons depots deep in Lebanon after deadly drone attack
Confirming Netanyahu accepts US deal proposal, Blinken says Hamas must now do the same - 8.20.24
IDF recovers bodies of 6 hostages from Gaza, including one hitherto presumed alive - 8.20.24
The Steep Cost of Ignoring Reality | Caroline Glick In-Focus - 27,011 views 8.19.24
Hamas again rejects ceasefire-for-hostages proposal - 8.19.24
Jews and Christians: Let us unite to protect our freedoms - August 19, 2024
Ceasefire Unlikely As Hamas Refuses To Accept Demilitarization of Gaza - August 18, 2024
Hezbollah Responds To IAF Strike On Weapons Warehouse In Lebanon, Launching Large Barrage Of Rockets Into Northern Israel - 8.18.24
Biden is Cursing the US by Pressing Israel for a 2 State Solution - 8.17.24
As airlines scrap flights, Israeli travel has become a costly, often madcap endeavor - 8.17.24
Empty Tel Aviv braces for Iranian attack - AUGUST 15, 2024
Commie Pope Francis Outrageously Labels Israel's Defensive Actions in Gaza as "Terrorism" - Aug. 16, 2024
Blinken to visit Israel Sunday in effort to secure hostage deal, avoid escalation - 8.16.24
U.S., Qatar, Egypt unveil updated ceasefire proposal in joint statement, aim to finalize deal next week - 8.16.24
New hostage deal talks set for Cairo next week, US gives bridging proposal - 8.16.24
Iran's Mullahs and Their Deadly Serious Plan: The Total Annihilation of Israel and the US - August 17, 2024
IAF Strikes Hezbollah Weapons Warehouse, Military Buildings In Southern Lebanon - 8.17.24
More than 40,000 Palestinians have been killed in 10 months of war in Gaza, health ministry says - 8.16.4
Israel Is Not Going to Surrender Or Settle - Even If That Means Commencing Another War - By Amir Tsarfati
Iran and Hezbollah seemingly suspend attacks on Israel as hostage deal summit gets off to 'promising start' - 8.16.24
Israel Has Destroyed 50 Tunnels Under Philadelphi Corridor Over Past Month - August 16, 2024
The Real Agenda Behind the Temple Mount Conflict - 16K views 8.16.24
Palestinian on terror watchlist arrested on southern US border - 8.16.24
Israel War LIVE | Deadly Hezbollah Drone Attack On Israel News LIVE - 8.16.24
Gaza Ceasefire Talks Paused, Will Resume Next Week; US Presents New Proposal to Address Remaining Gaps - 8.16.24





 Disclaimer: The views expressed in these articles are the sole responsibility of the authors and do not necessarily reflect those of Cephas Ministry.
(In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, this material is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes.) 

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