Period: July 2024
For Monthly News

Behold the Lamb of God, which taketh away the sin of the world
In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. The same was in the beginning with God. All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made. In him was life; and the life was the light of men.
And the light shineth in darkness; and the darkness comprehended it not. There was a man sent from God, whose name was John. The same came for a witness, to bear witness of the Light, that all men through him might believe. He was not that Light, but was sent to bear witness of that Light.
That was the true Light, which lighteth every man that cometh into the world. He was in the world, and the world was made by him, and the world knew him not. He came unto his own, and his own received him not. But as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name:
Which were born, not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but of God. And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, (and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father,) full of grace and truth.
John bare witness of him, and cried, saying, This was he of whom I spake, He that cometh after me is preferred before me: for he was before me. And of his fulness have all we received, and grace for grace. For the law was given by Moses, but grace and truth came by Jesus Christ.
No man hath seen God at any time; the only begotten Son, which is in the bosom of the Father, he hath declared him. And this is the record of John, when the Jews sent priests and Levites from Jerusalem to ask him, Who art thou? And he confessed, and denied not; but confessed,
I am not the Christ. And they asked him, What then? Art thou Elias? And he saith, I am not. Art thou that prophet? And he answered, No. Then said they unto him, Who art thou? that we may give an answer to them that sent us. What sayest thou of thyself? He said, I am the voice of one crying in the wilderness,
Make straight the way of the Lord, as said the prophet Esaias. And they which were sent were of the Pharisees. And they asked him, and said unto him, Why baptizest thou then, if thou be not that Christ, nor Elias, neither that prophet? John answered them, saying,
I baptize with water: but there standeth one among you, whom ye know not; He it is, who coming after me is preferred before me, whose shoe's latchet I am not worthy to unloose. These things were done in Bethabara beyond Jordan, where John was baptizing. The next day John seeth Jesus coming unto him, and saith, Behold the Lamb of God, which taketh away the sin of the world.
This is he of whom I said, After me cometh a man which is preferred before me: for he was before me. And I knew him not: but that he should be made manifest to Israel, therefore am I come baptizing with water. And John bare record, saying, I saw the Spirit descending from heaven like a dove, and it abode upon him.
And I knew him not: but he that sent me to baptize with water, the same said unto me, Upon whom thou shalt see the Spirit descending, and remaining on him, the same is he which baptizeth with the Holy Ghost. And I saw, and bare record that this is the Son of God. Again the next day after John stood, and two of his disciples; And looking upon Jesus as he walked, he saith, Behold the Lamb of God! (John 1;1 - 36 KJV)

Cephas Ministry cordially invites you. It is best to bookmark (index) since email lists are unavailable for us. The controversial International Social Pulse deals with the Church / Global Issues / Israel, is edited by Rita Williams. Index of our Network:

Cephas Newsletters now at

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We believe the KJV Bible, the Word of God. Of this you can be sure and will never be changed, that Jesus is the Christ, God Himself, who spilled His blood on the cross for our sins and rose again to prepare a place for those who repent and accept 'His' righteousness for their righteousness. There are those who accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior, Jews first and then Gentiles. "Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with me." We invite you to take this opportunity to say 'yes' to Jesus and commit your life to Him only. It is a gift (New Testament means an inheritense) Click on this link: Salvation
Luke 12:20,21 "But God said unto him, "Thou fool, this night thy soul shall be required of thee: then whose shall those things be, which thou hast provided? So is he that layeth up treasure for himself, and is not rich toward God."
We pray the Lord will bless you with a thirst for truth and a desire to serve Him exclusively, in Christ Jesus, Rita Williams of Cephas Ministry

We trust that our readers will not be discouraged. It is God’s will that we know the times (1 Ch. 12:32; Mat. 16:3) and that we be as wise as serpents and harmless as doves.
The Cephas Newsletter reminds us that the hour is very late, and we need to be ready for the Lord’s coming. Are you sure that you are born again? Are you living for Christ?

"And that, knowing the time, that now it is high time to awake out of sleep: for now is our salvation nearer than when we believed. The night is far spent, the day is at hand: let us therefore cast off the works of darkness, and let us put on the armour of light. Let us walk honestly, as in the day; not in rioting and drunkenness, not in chambering and wantonness, not in strife and envying. But put ye on the Lord Jesus Christ, and make not provision for the flesh, to fulfil the lusts thereof" (Rom. 13:11-14).

PS We are seeking the truth and link to material from many sources only when we believe their material could be of service to you. That should not imply that we endorse ministries, news organizations or various authors. We are not all-knowing and cannot predict what people will write in the future. CMI



John 9:4 I must work the works of him that sent me, while it is day: the night cometh, when no man can work.
Matthew 25:6 And at midnight there was a cry made, Behold, the bridegroom cometh!!
Our ID: John 1:42 "And he brought him to Jesus. And when Jesus beheld him, he said, Thou art Simon the son of Jonah: thou shalt be called Cephas, which is by interpretation, A stone." 1 Peter 2:5 "Ye also, as lively stones, are built up a spiritual house, an holy priesthood, to offer up spiritual sacrifices, acceptable to God by Jesus Christ." Matthew 10:16 "Behold, I send you forth as sheep in the midst of wolves: be ye therefore wise as serpents, and harmless as doves."

In Case The Rapture occurred this is a message to all who were left behind.html
RAPTURE ! JUDGEMENT ! Coming real soon ! Download this ! - 13,654 views 7.31.24
80,000 People Chanting the Name of Jesus and God Manifested!
Thousands Christians in France Gathered to Pray after the Olympic's Opening Mocked Jesus Christ
Joy & Sorrow of the Day of Visitation - A Must Watch!!! - 7.30.24
Laos: Evangelist Murdered Execution-Style, "Despite Increased Persecution, the Church is Rapidly Growing" - July 29, 2024
Hope For Our Times Newsletter - July 30, 2024
The Tribulation is soon to start, but...
"Clean up the temple of your heart" pastor Loran Livingston - 13,369 views Jul 28, 2019
Olympics Threatens Christian Surfer, THEN This Happens (notice Masonic Pyramids by leaders) - 214,377 views 7.29.24
The Most Important Prophetic Sign Of All Has Bloomed Right Before Our Eyes - July 23, 2024
2,000 Baptized in New 'Jesus Revolution' Event at Pirates Cove: 'Lord, Do It Again' - 07-29-2024
Watch: 50,000 Christians Pack Angel Stadium for Worship and Prayer - 7.27.24
A Jesus Revolution in Iran? - 18,660 view 7.28.24
Pastor Loran Livingston STUNNING PROPHETIC | Why Is Nobody Talking About This - 17,454 views Jul 18, 2024
What We See Dimly in What Is Playing Out - 7.24.24
Friday Church News Notes - July 26, 2024
Continue to Pray for John MacArthur! Trump Assassination Attempt - 93,039 views 7.26.2024
It Really Is Happening?! The Beast System Is Active (Tucker Carlson & John Rich) - 77,737 views Jul 26, 2024
"We Waited For This To Happen" Amir Tsarfati On The Red Heifer in 2024 - 45,732 views Jul 17, 2024
The Rapture - The Blessed Hope
National Crisis? Turn To Jesus NOW! - 67,613 views Jul 23, 2024
The REAL Problem with RNC Prayer to Waheguru | Pastor Reacts - 10,796 views
The Gospel according to St John, read by Sir David Suchet (Highly recommended) - 19,354,853 views
The MOMENT That Changes EVERYTHING!!! - Revelation 21:9-17 - 2,031 views 7.21.24
Amazing Evidence For God - Scientific Evidence For God - 3,342,203 views Jun 3, 2015
The False Prophet Pope Francis: Read "Lord Of The World" - 4,332 views Feb 6, 2015
The Greatest Story Ever Told (1965) Full HD 2ns try access

Who is Jesus Christ? Really? John Rich - 11,924 views Jul 10, 2024
Detroit Pastor Lorenzo Sewell Brings The House Down At RNC - 25,649 views Jul 20, 2024
Bible Prophecy Update, You'll Never Steal My Pre-Tribulation Rapture Hope - Sunday, July 21st, 2024
Deception in the Church - Feb 2024
The Complete Story Of REVELATION Like You've Never Seen It Before. - 463,305 views May 12, 2024
Julie Green PROPHETIC WORD! (ANGEL SIGHTINGS?) - 44,879 views Jul 17, 2024
Understanding Revelation: Session 15 - Thyatira: The Corrupt Church - Part 2 - 1.12K views 7.19.24
Did God Forewarn About the Rapid Increase in Technology and Artificial Intelligence? - July 18, 2024
King Charles sets out Labour's plan to 'play its part' trying to secure Middle East peace - July 17, 2024
Winking At Sin: To Deny God's Wrath Is To Reject His Holiness - July 17, 2024
Ten Potent Proofs for the Pretribulation Rapture - July 10, 2024
Concerning Stats Reveal Why Knowing Scripture Is So Important - 7.17.24
Bible Museum's New Worship Exhibit Gives Viewers a 'Foretaste of Heaven' - 07-16-2024
Prophecy Portrays God's Incomprehensible Character - 7.15.24
The Rapture Is The Catalyst That Will Suddenly Change Everything - July 15, 2024
The Rapture Is Sooner Than What We Think - 23,043 views Jun 21, 2024
RAPTURE TOMORROW !! I tried to Warn you!! - 7.15.24
Prophecy Update: A Thief in The Night
I heard God say: "Pay Attention to My Next Move - 33,139 views 7.14.24
Amir Tsarfati: God's Appointed Time - 41K views 7.12.24
'Called to Be Distinct': Southern Baptist Convention Must Withstand Left-Wing Influences, Denominational Leader Says
Pastors Perspective - Dr. Nova Dean Pack - 3.10.24
'Divine judgment': Pastor John MacArthur on Biden, Trump, immorality and the Church - July 07, 2024
Prophecy Update: You Can't Make This Up! - Episode 48 - Pastor Tom Hughes - 7.12.24
When Prophecy Prompts Prayer, Daniel 9 - July 11th, 2024 - J.D. Farag
Healing from gay desires is possible - July 10, 2024
The ANTICHRIST And A Cup Of Tea | Tim Cohen - 23,789 views Jun 23, 2024
106-Year-Old Woman Points To 'My Lord' as 'Secret' to Long Life - 7.10.24
Revelation: Session 12 - Pergamum: The Compromising Church Part 2 - 580 views 7.10.24
Don't Let Scoffers and Date-Setters Steal Your Crown :: By Arden Kierce - July 6, 2024 b
"Serious confirmation & miracle happened today, Rapture Imminent" - 7.7.24
Hundreds decide to follow Jesus at Will Graham's 'Look Up Celebration' on Australia's Gold Coast - July 07, 2024
'Pulpit AI' aims to help pastors use artificial intelligence to preach beyond Sunday services - July 8, 2024
We May Face Mockery, But Jesus Will Reward Our Watchfulness - July 8, 2024
PAY ATTENTION! The End Times World Just Arrived... - 10K views 7.8.24
Prophecy Update: The Dollar Is Dead! Tom Hughes & Britt Gillette - 1.07K views 7.9.24
When Churches Dismiss Bible Prophecy - 7.6.24
BREAKING NEWS!! JESUS APPEARS IN GAZA 6.000.000 MUSLIMS CONVERTED | The Incredible Testimony - 60,853 views
Prophecy Update: Update - Hold on Until Jesus Comes! (J.D.Farag) - 7.8.24
The World's Desire For Change Could Open The Door To The Most Terrible Villain In History - (Hal Lindsey) - July 8, 2024
Unthinkable :: By Daymond Duck - July 6, 2024
Perilous Times Are Upon Us! | The Tom Hughes Report - 7.7.24
THE AntiChrist (King Charles III), World War 3, and the Great Tribulation - 42,611 views Jul 5, 2024
The Arrival of The King (Zechariah 9:1-10) | Matt Freeman - 1,823 views 7.7.24
4 Prophecies That Are Coming True Right Now - 451 views 7.6.24
The Wise and the Foolish :: By Sean Gooding - July 3, 2024
If People Only Knew It's The End Of Time, Daniel 8 - 30,575 views July 4th, 2024
This Actually Was A Real Place! Few People Know Where SATAN'S Headquarter on Earth Is Located - 146,779 views
Joe Rogan Reads Bible Prophecy About The Beast Until He Realizes.- 997,259 views Feb 11, 2024
End Times and Israel: How 'God's Covenant With the Jewish People,' Eschatology Shape Evangelical Thought Amid Gaza Chaos - 7.3.24
The TERRIFYING Truth: Donald Trump's Terrifying Message To Christians! - 1.7K views .4.24
Can you DIG IT !!! - 3.6K views 7.3.24
NEWS: The Third Temple - 35K views
Life in the Millennium - 7.1.24
This is Coming and You Need to Prepare Now... - 12,603 views Jul 1, 2024
Prophecy Update: The Red Heifer's Signal for The Last Days - 1.5K views 7.2.24
Prophecy Update: Are FEMA Camps Coming to America? - 1.41K views 7.2.24
Nearing Midnight - 1 July 2024
America, and the Rise of Antichrist | The Tom Hughes Report - 20,279 views 7.1.24
God woke me up at 3:33AM with these words - 78,940 views Jul 1, 2024



Andy Stanley DELETES The Olympics Last Supper Post, Then This HAPPENS - 7.29.24
Paris Olympics Mocks Christianity, Then THIS Happens - 658,565 views 7.29.24
Witchcraft Is Consorting With The Powers Of Darkness And Must Always Be Rejected By Christians - July 25, 2024
Touch Not Gods Anointed - An Abused Phrase In The NAR - Refuted Using Scripture - 7.25.24
Progressive Church Looks To Make LGBTQ Affirmation Mandatory For Clergy - 7.24.24
Mormon Tithing Class-Action Lawsuit Explained! - Plaintiffs Allege Fraud - 64,030 views 7.25.24
The Twisted Polygamy of Joseph Smith with Lindsay Hansen Park - 88,037 views Jul 19, 2024
The Pirates of the Charismatic Movement/New Apostolic Reformation - 4,701 views Jul 21, 2024
Something SINISTER Is Going On But Most People Don't See It - 12,097 views 7.24.24
The NEW and Dangerous False Prophet - 62,630 views 7.24.24
This Is Way DEEPER Than We Thought - John MacArthur - 372,498 views Mar 2, 2023
RNC official blames 'hateful, antisemitic people' for response to Sikh prayer - July 22, 2024
FreeMasons and Mormonism - 91,721 views Aug 18, 2009
Bishop Schneider Unplugged: "This is blasphemy!" (A Michael Matt Interview) - 111,101 views
2 Critical Things Catholicism Gets Wrong | Mike Gendron - 89,098 views Sep 25, 2022
"When Is The Rapture" - 4,906 views Feb 22, 2024
Freemasonry: The Depths of Satan - Elder Athanasios Mitilinaios - 56,514 views Jul 3, 2024
TRUMP Receives PRAYER From "The One True God" in Bizarre Turn of Events.. - 133,253 views
The INSANE World Of False Christian Teachers | John MacArthur - 373,621 views Jan 25, 2023
Republican Party Opens With Prayer To DEMON, Then This HAPPENS - 117,440 views Jul 18, 2024
Pastor Said This About JESUS At RNC In A Fiery Speech - 7.20.24
High-Ranking Leader Leaves Mormon Church: The Second Anointing w Hans & Birgitta Mattsson
The Book of Mormon is a Phantasy - 7.19.24
Crazy strict rules Mormon missionaries have to abide by - 7.19.24
The Twisted Polygamy of Joseph Smith with Lindsay Hansen Park (Joseph Smith: Part Three)
Luciferian Lies of the Lodge | Billy Crone - 7,309 views 7.19.24
How the Woke Left Is Infiltrating Christian Churches - July 17, 2024
Former Mormon, 31, candidly lifts the lid on what REALLY happens inside the religion's sacred temples
Grave Injustice: Traditional Priests Stripped Of Faculties, Kicked Out Of Diocese - 7208 views
How you have to decorate your house as a Mormon
Tucker Carlson and John Rich Talk About The Mark of The Beast And Revelation (Satan not a created being is incorrect. See Eze 28:12-19) - 12,040 views 7.20.24
The False God Of AI In The Last Days! - 4,208 views 7.17.24
Tucker Carlson: Popular new end-times song is 'channeled entirely from God' (Is this true?)
Tucker Carlson, John Rich, and the Rapture - 12,269 views 7.18.24
Tucker Carlson SHOCKED By Explosive Revelation on The Mark of The Beast! - 106,159 views
One of the most downloaded songs in America is about the book of Revelation. John Rich says he channeled the entire thing from God. - 2.6M Views Jul 16, 2024
ROD PARSLEY NEEDS TO RESIGN! - 100,229 views Jul 2, 2024
President Reagan's Remarks on LDS Church Members: Unity and American Values. - 306 views
Feeling betrayed by the Mormon Temple Ceremony - 7.16.24
The Union Of The Left And Islam… A Marriage Joined By Common Hatred Of Christianity - 7.11.24
Is This The Catholic Takeover of America?!?! - 10,400 views Jul 15, 2024
Kaaba Destroyed : Jesus' Crucial Warning Ignored - Unthinkable Catastrophe - 10,400 views
The Vatican's "Church of Accompaniment" is Fake News! - 7.15.24
VATICAN CANCELS LATIN MASS: "We want gay blessings and empty pews." - 20,763 views 7.14.24
Pope Francis purges critics and criticizes western democracies - Jul 12, 2024
VATICAN CANCELS LATIN MASS: "We want gay blessings and empty pews." - 8,108 views 7.14.24
Jesus 'Looney Tunes' painting removed from exhibit amid outcry for mocking Christianity - 7.10.24
Retired priest pleads guilty to stealing $300K from Missouri church - July 11, 2024
LexCity Church permanently shutters after former pastor charged with rape, sodomy of minor
Satanists demand inclusion in Florida's in-school chaplain program - 7.9.24
Gateway Church settled lawsuit after multiple pastors accused of covering up sexual assault of minor -
Woke Churches Continue To Spread Their Poison And Infect The Next Generation - 7.9.24
Megachurch Pastor Zachary King Charged with Rape and Sexual Abuse of Minor - Jul 05, 2024
Excommunicated Archbishop Vigano Warns Satanic Pope Francis Working with World Economic Forum (WEF) to Destroy Christianity - Jul 09, 2024
JOE BIDEN & POPE FRANCIS: Catholic Leaders of a Brave New World - 19,783 views Jul 7, 2024
What's Going on With Pope Francis? - 28,411 views 7.8.24
JOE BIDEN & POPE FRANCIS: Catholic Leaders of a Brave New World - 7.7.24
This Kenneth Copeland Sermon Is Straight Out Of Hell
'Eco-Theology': The Latest Departure From The Faith - July 5, 2024
Benny Hinn says world's darkest days ahead, giving to God will protect followers financially
Satanic Priest for Bohemian Grove Blows Whistle on White House (Names Names) - 1,385,611 v.
Andy Stanley's LATEST Attack On Evangelicals Is Worse Than We THOUGHT - 6,033 views 7.5.24
Exposing the Occult in Churches Secret Societies Unveiled: Billy Crone Speaks Out - 6.1K views
Former Mormon High Priest Speaks Out! - 171,690 views Jul 1, 2024
Bethel Church Is Straight Out Of Hell - 9,846 views 7.3.24
Benny Hinn says world's darkest days ahead, giving to God will protect followers financially
'Pastor' Claims Jesus Would Bless The 'Loving Kindness' Of 'Those Who End Pregnancies'
Entertainment Becomes Very DANGEROUS Once This Happens - 46,405 views 7.2.24
Something You MUST Know About Magic and "Christian" Musicians.- 4,040 views 7.4.24
REPEATING HISTORY: How Francis Plans to Blow Up the Clans - 28,041 views Jun 30, 2024
FALSE Prophets, CULTS, and DEMONIC Deceptions (Part 3) - 7,397 views Jun 29, 2024
7 false gods in the present age - June 25, 2024



Cephas Observer

Here is what you get if you vote for Kamala Harris - 7.31.24
Hunter Biden's Lawyers Claim They 'Never Tried to Mislead' Court as They Beg Judge to Toss Tax Evasion Case - 7.31.24
Investors Warned to 'Get Money Out of Moderna' before August 1 - July 30, 2024
Massive crowd of Venezuelans gather at Colorado mall, fire shots in air, leave trash after Maduro allegedly wins election -
US Senate Overwhelmingly Passes Bipartisan "Kids Online Safety Act" - July 31, 2024
School Cannot Face Lawsuit for Administering COVID Vaccine to Child Without Parental Consent, Rules State Supreme Court
'Really Chilling': Five Countries to Test European Vaccination Card - 7.30.24
Dropping birth rates are 'devastating and destabilizing,' Politico journalist say - 7.31.24
BOMBSHELL: New Footage Reveals Secret Service LYING about Trump Shooter - 7.31.24
What Just Happened to Bitcoin? - 16,055 views Jul 29, 2024
HIGH ALERT! NATO Just Crossed Putin's Red Line with this Massive Attack - 649,586 views Jul 29, 2024
'Disgraceful': Listen to crowd gasp as Trump scolds reporter for 'hostile' attack - July 31, 2024
Russia Legalizes Bitcoin Payments for International Trade to Counter Sanctions - July 31, 2024
How Trump's Immunity Win at the Supreme Court Threatens Fani Willis and Alvin Bragg - Not Just Jack Smith
Planned Incompetence? - July 29, 2024
The Riots Are Part of the Plan - 7.28.24
Regaining Lost DNA & human gene Functions, Tools from the Past w/ Dr. Richard Presser - 7.29.24
Project 2025 director steps down amid Trump campaign criticism - 07/30/24
Tesla recalling nearly 2 million cars over hood issue that increases crash risk - 07/30/24
Texas, Meta reach $1.4 billion settlement over facial recognition suit - 07/30/24
These 3 senators voted against children online safety bills - 07/30/24
'Extensive network': Stunning report warns Hamas terrorists now threatening America - July 30, 2024
Star Olympian Who Refused To Shake Hands With Israeli Rival Gets Instant Karma - 7.29.24
Ben Carson Will Replace JD Vance Very Soon. Trump: I'm Not Christian, This Is The Last Election
Donald Trump Will Be Last President of America. George Washington: First & Last In Bible Prophecy - 787 views 10.21.20
It's NOW LAW: California to Make Homelessness illegal - 7.24.24
Unbelievable Heres The Trump Video the media Changed That MSM & Everyone Should Be Talking About.- 2.7K views
Russia Makes Shocking Statement Following Trump Attack
Population Control: More U.S. Women Are Getting Permanently Sterilized Because They Never Want To Have Children
Rachel Maddow & MSNBC Hosts Hit with $30 Million Lawsuit for Smearing Doctor with 'Verifiably False' Claims - 7. 27.24
First Over-the-Counter Birth Control Pill Now Available - Should You Use It? - · July 22, 2024
Facial Tissue Like Kleenex Tested for Indications of PFAS 'Forever Chemicals' - Guide - · July 25, 2024
WATCH: 'Where Did America Go?' 90-year-old Pat Boone belts out new song to help save nation - July 29, 2024
Visualizing the tax burden of every us state - 7.29.24
Kamala Harris Talking Out Of Both Sides Of Her Mouth When It Comes To Israel - 7.29.24
Hunter Biden's Legal Defeats Follow Father's Presidential Drop-Out Decision - Jul 28, 2024
'Careful planning': Trump gunman researched attempted assassination of foreign leader, FBI says - 7.29.24
Poll: More than a third are open to Chip-Implants - 2024 July 29
Colorado authorities warn public not to use blue USPS mailboxes after Boulder man was arrested - 458,814 views 7.25.24
Visiting Beijing: Italy's Meloni Signs Deal To 'Relaunch' Ties With China | World News - 4,996 views 7.29.24
LIVE: Italy And China Sign 3-Year Pact Economic as Meloni 'Vows' To Relaunch Ties - 33 views 7.29.24
New Evidence Shows FBI's Direct Link to Trump's Shooter - 1,317,363 views 7.28.24
Firefighter injured at second major Dallas Baptist church fire within two weeks: 'We see God working' - 7.27.24
Biden to push for constitutional amendment next week to reverse Trump immunity decision: report - July 27, 2024
France Committed National 'Suicide' with Woke Olympic Opening Ceremonies, Says Ex-Cabinet Minister - 7.27.24
Lead SWAT sharpshooter: Group had 'no communication' with Secret Service prior to Trump shooting - July 28, 2024
Biden Puts Young Mom in Prison for Three Years for Preaching Outside Abortion Biz - Jul 27, 2024
Three members of family gospel group The Nelons killed in Wyoming plane crash
Woman fights ruling against her tiny home on wheels - July 27, 2024
Trump Shooting - A Closer Look - What we Know and What We Don't - 40,256 views 7.22.24
Canada's "Worst Decline in 40 Years" - 7.28.24
What It's Like Using a Brain Implant With ChatGPT - 7.28.24
Biden's Obamacare expansions to cost taxpayers hundreds of billions - July 28, 2024
Eyewitness Accounts of the Trump Rally Attack - 383,335 views Jul 17, 2024
BREAKING!! Major Power OUTAGE In Paris, France after MOCKING Jesus Christ During Olympic Ceremony.. 51,411 views
Europe is in REAL TROUBLE this is the clearest sign yet | Redacted w Natali and Clayton Morris - 43,424 views 7.27.24
Social Media Users Point to Revelation 6:8 After Paris Olympics Open Up With Rider on Pale Horse (VIDEO) - Jul. 26, 2024
Pro-Life Conservative Activist Bevelyn Beatty Williams Sentenced to 3 Years in Prison for Protesting Outside Abortion Center and Allegedly Blocking the Entrance - Jul. 25, 2024
Astronauts stuck in space for 49 days by malfunctioning Boeing spacecraft can't return home for weeks - July 25, 2024
The Values That Made Western Society Great Came From The Bible - July 24, 2024
Biden Reappears, Looks Baffled When Reporters Ask Him Why He Dropped Out - July 24, 2024
Germany Shuts Down Major Islamic Center for Serving as 'Outpost' for Iranian Terrorists - July 24, 2024
Trump Challenges Arthur Engoron's $454 Million Judgment: 'Outrageous Miscarriage of Justice' - July 25, 2024
New Footage Of Biden Sick Goes Viral - 38,570 views 7.27.24
That Was NOT Joe Biden Last Night in The White House! - 22,979 views Jul 25, 2024
Harley-Davidson blasted for going 'woke' - 7.25.24
Peer-reviewed study: CO2 emissions have zero impact on global temperatures, with Judith Curry - Jul 27, 2024
As Secret Service Head Resigns Video Surfaces That Confirms Secret Service Was Warned About Crooks - Jul 25, 2024
CrowdStrike Returns and the Collapse Begins - Jul 26, 2024
A Look at Musk's Neuralink and the Rivals Racing to Beat Him - 7.26.24
Thieves slam truck into Denver restaurant to steal only steaks: 'It's ridiculous' - 7.26.24
Recall of Boar's Head deli meats announced during investigation of listeria outbreak (200,000 pds)
Iran Condemns Germany's Ban Of Islamic Group and Mosques - July 25, 2024
Judge lets panel that Dems fear would punish Fani Willis move forward - 7.26.24
Appeals Court Delivers Setback to Jack Smith in Classified Documents Case - 7.27.24
Evidence of Two Shooters Targeting Trump amidst Federal Cover-Up - Jul 26, 2024
CGI and Suppressed Details about the Assassination Attempt - Tore Says - Jul 27, 2024
CrowdStrike outage expected to cost healthcare $1.9B: Report - 7.26.24
World Trade Center Collapse on 9/11/2001 / Original Footage - 885,275 views Jul 23, 2024
New Angle Of 9/11 Never Seen Before - 3.07K views 7.26.24
Former prisoner John Strand released from January 6 'hell on earth' by Supreme Court ruling - 7.26.24
Paris Olympics Mocks Christianity With Demonic Opening Ceremony - 6349 views 7.27.24
New 'Jetsons Law' Paves Way for Flying Cars Starting August 1 - 7.26.24
Harley-Davidson blasted for going 'woke'- 7.25.24
Dr. Judy Mikovits - 16 Reasons to Be Excited About Republican Vice Presidential Nominee, J.D. Vance?! What Is the Connection Between Elon Musk, Peter Thiel & J.D. Vance?
Biden meets with Israeli PM for just 134 seconds before kicking out reporters - but one head shake tells a story
HORRIFYING Reason NUCLEAR Scientist are WORSHIPPING the Hindu God of DESTRUCTION - 45,569 views Jul 25, 2024
Elon's New Government Contract Raises SERIOUS CONCERNS - 8,610 views 7.26.24
Olympic blasphemy: Summer Games mock Last Supper with return to their bloody, pagan origins. Athletes and priests also made elaborate blood tributes to their gods, including the sacrifice of a hundred oxen at the Great altar of Zeus - 7.26.2024
2020 Video of Harris Resurfaces, Proves She Supports 'Defund the Police' Efforts: 'It's about Upending the System'
Donald Trump just dropped an absolute truth hammer!!!
JUSTICE: Furniture Store Must Pay $110k to Manager Fired For Refusing COVID Jab - Jul. 23, 2024
25th Amendment Coming? SITREP 7.23.24
Tennessee law banning children from drag shows upheld by appeals court - July 22, 2024
Colorado town can't prevent church from sheltering homeless on its property, judge rules - July 23, 2024
US Secret Service director resigns a day after contentious House hearing: 'overdue' - July 23, 2024
FBI Director Casts Doubt on Whether Trump Was Struck by Bullet - 7.25.24
Biden confirms plans to 'end the separation of powers' in American government - July 25, 2024
Trump Calls for Protesters Who Burn American Flag to Face Jail Time - July 25, 2024
Elon Musk 'Tricked' into Putting Son on Puberty Blockers: Xavier Was 'Killed by the Woke Mind Virus' - July 24, 2024
US House Speaker Mike Johnson Blasts Kamala Harris for Skipping Netanyahu Address - July 24, 2024
Funny Money: ActBlue Accused Of "MASSIVE Money Laundering Operation" As Trump Files FEC Complaint Over $91M Transfer To Kamala
Humana takes over 23 former Walmart Health clinics - 7.24.24
Watch: Five in Ten 7/25/24: Biden's Mysterious Medical Emergency - July 25, 2024
That's not Biden
Russia to launch Starlink-style internet network - media - 7.16.24
Germany Begin Destroying Islamic Mosques Spreading Extremism: How Germany Tackled Immigration Crisis - 1,559,384 views 7.25.24
Newsom signs executive order for removal of homeless encampments - 5,571 views 7.25.24
Biden addresses decision to end reelection effort - 4,458 views 7.24.24
Biden's family cries and his staff weep as he insists he deserves a second term and commiserates with White House aides with ice cream
Republican Moves to Impeach Kamala Harris for 'High Crimes and Misdemeanors' - July 24, 2024
WATCH: Joe Biden addresses America on his departure - July 24, 2024
Netanyahu Addresses Joint Session of Congress - 17,790 views 7.24.24
81 to address nation decision end 2024 bid polls-Kamala Harris Trump locked tight battle - 7.24.24
Biden Reappears, Looks Baffled When Reporters Ask Him Why He Dropped Out - July 24, 2024
Biden Alive According to Campaign - Scratchy Voice Recording but No Pictures Released - 7.22.24
US Secret Service director resigns after Trump shooting - 7.23.24
Trump wins round in libel suit against Pulitzer Prize Board over Russia stories - July 21, 2024
Largest IT Outage in History Affecting Banks, Airlines, and Businesses Worldwide - July 19, 2024
Abortion Cheerleader Kamala Harris Would Impose Abortions Up to Birth on All 50 States - Jul 21, 2024
Exclusive: President Biden suffered an undisclosed medical emergency during his time in Las Vegas, police sources say
Harris won't preside over Netanyahu's speech to Congress
Biden Delivers 'Proof of Life' Phone Call to Kamala Rally After Disappearing For Days - July 22nd 2024
Air Force One rushed Biden back to Delaware so fast, the airplane 'shook' - July 23, 2024
Elon Musk: "What No One Realized About Barron Trump!" - 199,211 views Jul 3, 2024
Trump shooter Thomas Matthew Crooks is seen dead on the roof in chilling new video confirming Secret Service was warned
Biden Has Died, Handlers Covering It Up, Insiders Warn - July 23, 2024
Lauren Boebert Demands 'Proof of Life' as Rumors of Biden's Death Swirl - July 22, 2024
Concerns Mount as Biden's Signature on Dropout Letter Doesn't Match Any Official Documents - July 23, 2024
Nancy Mace Demands Kamala Harris Invoke 25th Amendment to Remove Biden - July 23, 2024
Trump Blasts Director Cheatle as She Quits Secret Service: 'I Ended Up Having to Take a Bullet for Democracy' - 7 23.24
Texas Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee dies weeks after announcing cancer diagnosis - July 22, 2024
20,000 New IRS Agents!
Army vet, 45, reveals terrifying encounter with 'Bigfoot' while camping along abandoned forest road... and the very scary sound the creature made
Prince William Bans Brother's Return to Royal Duties
Marian Left Estate To Her Son Michael Lavon Robinson (Big Mike From The Wood) What Really Happened - 868,227 views
Hold On, I'm Comin' [ Trump edit ] - 1,869,212 views Dec 26, 2023
U.S. Army: Trainers have labeled pro-lifers 'terrorists' for at least 7 years - July 21, 2024
Trade Volume Spiked 800% for Stock in Trump's Company on Day BEFORE Assassination Attempt - July 18, 2024
Kid Rock Unveils New Pro-Trump Song at RNC: 'Fight, Fight!' - July 19, 2024
Watch: High-Level Pentagon Sources Confirm Deep State Attempted to Kill Trump - 4,899,731,702 views 7.21.24
San Francisco's Saks Department Store to Become 'Appointment Only,' Confirms Round of Layoffs - Jul. 21, 2024
IMF Suggests Raising Taxes to Pay off the $34 TRILLION US Federal Debt - Says the FED Should Wait to Drop Interest Rates - Jul. 21, 2024
INTERVIEW - Deanna Lorraine (Stew Peters Network) - Jul 21, 2024
The Truth About the Leeds Riot - 329,790 views Jul 19, 2024
Pastor Robert Jeffress says Trump reached out after fire engulfed historic First Baptist Dallas sanctuary - July 21, 2024
Woke media goes into meltdown as CNN's Van Jones CRIES on air and MSNBC's Rachel Maddow shares utter disbelief after Biden steps down
Federal judge bans state from imposing 'irrational' demand on entrepreneur - July 21, 2024
LIVE: Von Der Leyen Found GUILTY By Court - 252,377 views Jul 17, 2024
BREAKING: Von Der Leyen WINS EU Parliament Vote - 105,727 views Jul 18, 2024
CrowdStrike Crash Raises Questions About Tech Dependency - 7.19.24
Elon Musk Deletes CrowdStrike "From All Systems," Warns Global IT Disruption Sparked "Seizure In Auto Supply Chain"
The Man Behind Trump's VP Pick ... - July 19, 2024
Erica Carbajal - Thursday, July 18th, 2024
Audio Forensics Confirms at Least Three SEPARATE WEAPONS Were Fired in Assassination Attempt - Jul 20, 2024
'Rock Solid Proof' Reveals 'At Least Two Shooters' Shot Trump - July 20, 2024
Dollywood Shuts Down Entire Theme Park Effective Immediately - July 17, 2024
Exclusive video appears to show would-be Trump assassin at rally hour before shooting - 636,926 views Jul 17, 2024
Biden, 81, posts bizarre tweet saying 'I'm sick' just an hour after testing positive for COVID and slowly walking maskless up the small Air Force One steps
Major global IT outage grounds planes and blocks media worldwide - 7.19.24
WATCH: Trump Is Joined By His Grandchildren As Balloons Fall On RNC Stage After He Finishes Speech - 1,181.336 views
They Just Made a Big, Tyrannical Power Grab! - 13,223 views Jul 17, 2024
The Left Has Been Trying To Come Up With Wild Conspiracy Theories About The Trump Shooting, But They Are Failing Badly
Elon Musk moves X, SpaceX out of California for banning schools from requiring parental notification - July 17, 2024
Worldwide outage cancels, delays more than 800 flights at Denver International Airport - 7.19.24
DOJ Sues Housing Provider for Unaccompanied Migrant Children Alleging Severe Sexual Abuse - 7.19.24
Oklahoma school district won't follow state's Bible instruction directive: superintendent - July 18, 2024
Fireball Meteor Lights Up New York City Sky, Passes Over Statue of Liberty - July 18, 2024
Crowdstrike executive sells $1.49 million in stock - 07/16/2024
Flights grounded and travelers stranded - including at JFK and LaGuardia - after tech outage cripples banks and other companies around the globe
Windows Computers Lead To 'Blue Screen Of Death' Due To CrowdStrike Error - July 19, 2024
Shooter's Classmate Drops Bombshell: Crooks Was Linked to School Shooting Plot - 7.18.24
Trump shooter used gaming site that features presidential assassination game - July 18, 2024
JUST IN: Trump Would-Be Assassin Thomas Matthew Crooks Had Two Cell Phones and 3 Encrypted Accounts Overseas -
Investment Firm That Allegedly "Put Options" on 12 Million Trump Stocks Day Before Assassination Attempt Blames Filing Error - Rothschild,
New audio forensic analysis reveals at least THREE SHOOTERS at Trump campaign event - 7.19.24
Communications outages from CrowdStrike update cancel RTD trains, shut down Colorado DMVs, hinder first responders -
Biden on verge of Supreme action: 'Major initiative on limiting the court' - July 17, 2024
Global Technology Outage Grounds Flights, Disrupts Banks, Press Organizations, and Other Companies - 7.19.24
GOP closed out Day 1 of its national convention with a prayer to pagan god 'Waheguru' - Jul 16, 2024
A Huge Financial Bet Against Donald Trump's Company Was Made Before the Assassination Attempt - Jul 18, 2024
The Assassination of John F. Kennedy, Jr. - Jul 18, 2024
Trump shooter's parents called police about their son hours BEFORE attempted assassination - 7.17.24
Why Are They Building SECRET DETENTION CAMPS in All 50 States? w/ J.J. Carrell - 7.4.24
Report: Obama Telling Allies He Wants Biden Out - July 18, 2024
Christians MUST Know This About JD Vance, Trump's VP Pick - 85,647 views Jul 17, 2024
JUST NOW: Bongino Notices Something About Trump Shooting No One Noticed - 4,234,561 views
Tycoon, 64, leaves note then jumps to his death from luxury Manhattan hotel after his movie-ticketing business was ravaged by COVID
Trump rally shooter's laptop searches revealed - 49,172 views 7.17.24
Why Japan Selling Off US Dollars Is Major Threat To The US Economy - July 17, 2024
The Legendary Interview of Donald Trump on Oprah Winfrey's Show in 1988 - 8.7K views 7.8.24
The left wants a civil war': MTG ramps up the rhetoric after Trump shooting - July 14, 2024
Person shot and killed by police near Republican National Convention - 137K views 7.16.24
WATCH: Tucker Carlson: Popular new end-times song is 'channeled entirely from God' - Jul 16, 2024
Top 25 hospitals for AI readiness - July 15th, 2024
Steward Healthcare paid CEO $3.8M salary in the year before bankruptcy filing - 7.16.24
Snipers Were INSIDE Building Used By Trump Failed Assassin; Reported Him Using Range Finder, Took Pictures, And Command Did Nothing
New Report Confirms Thomas Matthew Crooks Purchased Ladder and 50 Rounds of Ammunition on the Morning of the Rally
JUST CONFIRMED: First Lady Jill Biden Facilitated the Hiring of DEI-Focused Secret Service Director - 7.16.24
Trump Reveals Key Pillars Of "Trumponomics": Low Taxes, Sky High Tariffs, Powell Not Fired, Treasury Secretary Dimon And Much More
Why is Germany expanding mRNA production?
WATCH: JD Vance accepts VP nomination at RNC - July 17, 2024
More vaccines: Now it's genetically-engineered bird flu! - 7.17.24
Chuck Schumer Demands Democrat Sen Menendez's Resignation after Conviction on Federal Corruption Charges
WATCH: RNC airs gut-wrenching video featuring Gold Star families - July 17, 2024
Musk Flees CA, Pulls X and SpaceX Out of State After Newsom Signs Anti-Parent Law - 07-16-2024
President Joe Biden tests positive for COVID - 17 July 2024
Cincinnati Has Become HELL | Full Tour of The Collapse - 32,773 views 7.16.24
J.D. Vance: "I'm a Very Pro-Life Person. I've Been Pro-Life Since I Was 14-Years-Old" - Jul 16, 2024
Operation Coverup: Politicians and Media Won't Say What the Rest of Us Know about Assassination - 7.16.24




Israel retrieves bodies of 5 hostages believed killed during Oct. 7 Hamas attack, military says
Thousands fill Washington's streets to protest Israel's war in Gaza during Netanyahu visit
Rashida Tlaib Holds Up 'War Criminal' Sign During Netanyahu Speech - 7.24.24
Kamala Harris and Democrats Stand with Hamas - Give Benjamin Netanyahu the Shaft… 7.24.24
Israeli PM Urges Global Alliance Against Iranian 'Axis of Terror' - 7.24.24
US 'Strongly Opposes' China-Brokered Deal to Form Palestinian Unity Government With Terrorist Groups - 7.24.24
Trump 'looking forward' to Mideast peace, tells Abbas: 'Will be good' - 7.24.24
Biden Administration Gives Another $100 Million for Terror: Prefers Aiding Palestinian Terrorists Such as Hamas to Supporting Israel - July 24, 2024
Israel parliament declares branch of United Nations a 'terrorist organization' - July 23, 2024
Israel-Hamas war latest: Netanyahu signals cease-fire deal could be shaping up as deaths top 39,000 - 7.23.24
Major labor unions urge Biden to halt military aid to Israel - 07/23/24
Israeli officials rap Harris for skipping PM Congress speech; House Speaker: Inexcusable - 7.24.24
Israel warns citizens attending Paris Olympics - July 24, 2024
Hezbollah and Israel approach the breaking point - July 24, 2024
US Jews excited, and anxious, about potential representation on Democratic ticket - 7.24.24
Trump shares letter from PA's Abbas condemning assassination attempt - 7.24.24
Ben Gvir declares Jewish prayer permitted on Temple Mount, again defying status quo - 7.24.24
Trump To Meet Israel's Netanyahu Amid Controversy - July 24, 2024
'Christians of America Stand Solidly with Israel': Netanyahu Meets with Evangelicals in DC -7.24.24
Germany Begin Destroying Islamic Mosques Spreading Extremism: How Germany Tackled Immigration Crisis - 1,559,384 v
Netanyahu Addresses Joint Session of Congress - 17,790 views 7.24.24
Iran Hangs 8 In 2 Days Amid Concerns Over Rise In Executions After Election - July 22, 2024
Netanyahu Arrives in DC Amid Presidential Chaos, Asserts Israel Will Remain a 'Strong' US Ally Regardless of Whoever Is in White House - July 22, 2024
Nearly $300 Million in US Aid May Be in Taliban Control - Monday, July 22, 2024
Netanyahu Travels to US to Strengthen Bipartisan Support for Israel
The White House Forgot Israel's Prime Minister Was Coming to Washington - 20,280 views 7.23.24
Israel's Government REJECTS Two-State Solution | This might make America Angry…
Experts uncover monumental works to fortify Temple Mount, king's palace in Jerusalem - 7.21.24
'The Whole Middle East Sees The Fire Burning In Yemen': Israel Strikes 'Houthi Terrorist Regime' for First Time
Pro-Israel Christians Stage "The Trial 2024" in Response to UN Resolution - July 21, 2024
Netanyahu to meet Biden in DC on Tuesday - July 21, 2024
In historic move, IDF issues draft orders to 1,000 ultra-Orthodox men - 7.21.24
After deadly Tel Aviv attack, restraint against Houthis was no longer deemed an option
'Absurd': International court says Israeli presence in Judea and Samaria is illegal, must end
Watch: Drone strike near U.S. Embassy office in Tel Aviv leaves one dead, Yemen's Houthi rebels claim attack - 7.19.24
Iran's New President, Praised as a 'Reformist' Seeking 'Social Justice,' Spends First Weeks After Election Pledging Allegiance to Terrorists
Poll: Support for Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu's Right-Wing Likud Party Surges Domestically -
Blinken asserts hostage-ceasefire deal is close, reasserts support for two state solution - 7.19.24
World Court: Israeli presence in East Jerusalem, West Bank is illegal and must end - 19 July 2024
Israel Rejects Biased U.N. Court's Non-binding Ruling on 'Occupied' Territories' - 7.19.24
EU Pledges $435 Million to Ailing Palestinian Authority - With Conditions for Reform - 7.19.24
'The Jewish people are not occupiers in their own land' - Israel blasts ICJ ruling declaring Jewish settlements in Judea and Samaria illegal
IDF: Commander of Islamic Jihad's naval forces in Gaza City region killed in drone strike - 7.18.24
Netanyahu said seeking sit-down with Trump during trip to US; will meet Kamala Harris - 7.19.24
Mike Johnson Threatens to Arrest Lawmakers Who Disrupt Netanyahu's Congress speech - 7.19.24
Up to 60,000 Israeli businesses may close in 2024 as war takes toll on economy - 7.18.24
Clearing Gaza of almost 40m tonnes of war rubble will take years, says UN - 7.15.24
Amir Tsarfati: Iran Had Big Plans, But War With Israel Isn't Going How They Intended - 7.18.24
Houthis Claim Credit For Drone Attack On Tel Aviv; One Killed, Ten Wounded In Explosion -7.19.24
Ben Gvir visits Temple Mount, urges PM 'not to fold' under pressure to OK hostage deal - 7.18.24
No Palestinian state west of the Jordan River, declares Israel's Knesset - July 18, 2024
IDF says half of Hamas military leadership are eliminated, around 14,000 terrorists killed or captured - 7.17.24
France: Nearly 40% of French Jews Are Now Considering Immigration to Israel, "60,000 People Could Arrive in Israel Tomorrow Morning"
Human Rights Watch finds Hamas guilty of war crimes on Oct. 7 - July 18, 2024
Knesset Member: "There will be no Palestinian State. Not Now. Not Ever!" - July 18, 2024
Netanyahu To Meet Biden Amid Concerns Over Israel's Future (Worthy News Focus) - July 16, 2024
Trump giving Israel 'blank check' to finish Hamas - July 17, 2024
Hezbollah Rocket Attacks Ravage Northern Israel: Lives, Land, and Wildlife - 07-16-2024
Biden says he's a Zionist, 'did more for the Palestinians than anybody' - July 16, 2024
Congress OKs Israel F-15 sale as Biden takes heat on heavy bomb pause - Jun 18, 2024





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(In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, this material is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes.) 

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