Period: September 2024
For Monthly News

The LORD is my light and my salvation; whom shall I fear? the LORD is the strength of my life; of whom shall I be afraid?
When the wicked, even mine enemies and my foes, came upon me to eat up my flesh, they stumbled and fell. Though an host should encamp against me, my heart shall not fear: though war should rise against me, in this will I be confident.
One thing have I desired of the LORD, that will I seek after; that I may dwell in the house of the LORD all the days of my life, to behold the beauty of the LORD, and to enquire in his temple.
For in the time of trouble he shall hide me in his pavilion: in the secret of his tabernacle shall he hide me; he shall set me up upon a rock. And now shall mine head be lifted up above mine enemies round about me: therefore will
I offer in his tabernacle sacrifices of joy; I will sing, yea, I will sing praises unto the LORD. Hear, O LORD, when I cry with my voice: have mercy also upon me, and answer me.
When thou saidst, Seek ye my face; my heart said unto thee, Thy face, LORD, will I seek. Hide not thy face far from me; put not thy servant away in anger: thou hast been my help; leave me not, neither forsake me, O God of my salvation.
When my father and my mother forsake me, then the LORD will take me up. Teach me thy way, O LORD, and lead me in a plain path, because of mine enemies.
Deliver me not over unto the will of mine enemies: for false witnesses are risen up against me, and such as breathe out cruelty. I had fainted, unless I had believed to see the goodness of the LORD in the land of the living.
Wait on the LORD: be of good courage, and he shall strengthen thine heart: wait, I say, on the LORD.
<<A Psalm of David.>> (Psalms 27:1-14 ) KJV

Cephas Ministry cordially invites you. It is best to bookmark (index) since email lists are unavailable for us. The controversial International Social Pulse deals with the Church / Global Issues / Israel, is edited by Rita Williams. Index of our Network:

Cephas Newsletters now at

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We believe the KJV Bible, the Word of God. Of this you can be sure and will never be changed, that Jesus is the Christ, God Himself, who spilled His blood on the cross for our sins and rose again to prepare a place for those who repent and accept 'His' righteousness for their righteousness. There are those who accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior, Jews first and then Gentiles. "Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with me." We invite you to take this opportunity to say 'yes' to Jesus and commit your life to Him only. It is a gift (New Testament means an inheritense) Click on this link: Salvation
Luke 12:20,21 "But God said unto him, "Thou fool, this night thy soul shall be required of thee: then whose shall those things be, which thou hast provided? So is he that layeth up treasure for himself, and is not rich toward God."
We pray the Lord will bless you with a thirst for truth and a desire to serve Him exclusively, in Christ Jesus, Rita Williams of Cephas Ministry

We trust that our readers will not be discouraged. It is God’s will that we know the times (1 Ch. 12:32; Mat. 16:3) and that we be as wise as serpents and harmless as doves.
The Cephas Newsletter reminds us that the hour is very late, and we need to be ready for the Lord’s coming. Are you sure that you are born again? Are you living for Christ?

"And that, knowing the time, that now it is high time to awake out of sleep: for now is our salvation nearer than when we believed. The night is far spent, the day is at hand: let us therefore cast off the works of darkness, and let us put on the armour of light. Let us walk honestly, as in the day; not in rioting and drunkenness, not in chambering and wantonness, not in strife and envying. But put ye on the Lord Jesus Christ, and make not provision for the flesh, to fulfil the lusts thereof" (Rom. 13:11-14).

PS We are seeking the truth and link to material from many sources only when we believe their material could be of service to you. That should not imply that we endorse ministries, news organizations or various authors. We are not all-knowing and cannot predict what people will write in the future. CMI



John 9:4 I must work the works of him that sent me, while it is day: the night cometh, when no man can work.
Matthew 25:6 And at midnight there was a cry made, Behold, the bridegroom cometh!!
Our ID: John 1:42 "And he brought him to Jesus. And when Jesus beheld him, he said, Thou art Simon the son of Jonah: thou shalt be called Cephas, which is by interpretation, A stone." 1 Peter 2:5 "Ye also, as lively stones, are built up a spiritual house, an holy priesthood, to offer up spiritual sacrifices, acceptable to God by Jesus Christ." Matthew 10:16 "Behold, I send you forth as sheep in the midst of wolves: be ye therefore wise as serpents, and harmless as doves."

80 San Quentin Inmates Get Baptized After Hundreds Find Freedom in Christ: 'Jesus Gets the Glory' - 9.27.24
The JEWISH FEAST of TRUMPETS - 9,245 views Sep 28, 2024
The "Comet Of The Century" Is Here! Has God Put It There To Be A "Sign In The Heavens"? - September 26, 2024
God's Love Never Fails, Hosea 11-12 - 7,341 views 26th 2024
North Carolina: Hundreds Respond to the Gospel at Annual 'FaithFest' Attended by Tens of Thousands - 9.24.24
I'm not done with you! - 9.30.24
New world order passes "Pact for the Future" mark of the beast system under way now! - 18K views 9.27.24
Bible Prophecy Update, The Time Has Come - 8,597 views September 29th, 2024
Yom Teruah and the Mystery of the Rapture - 6,397 views 9.28.24
Prophecy Update - 2024-09-22 We're Just A Key Stroke Away - September 22, 2024 - J.D. Farag
Tom Hanks' Son Reveals Powerful Testimony Of Jesus Christ That Will Move You To Tears! - 179,486 views Jun 5, 2024
LIVE TONIGHT !!! SALVATION !! Let's talk about it !!!! - 622 views 9.27.24 (facebook & X)
Kat Von D on Becoming a Christian - 1,871,155 views Premiered Nov 6, 2023
Greatest Biblical Event of Our LIFETIMES Just Happened? "Covenant with the Many Approved?" - 24,702 views 9.25.24
Revival Sweeping Through College Campuses Impacting Tens of Thousands - 15,528 views 9.25.24
This Is Disturbing and Christians MUST Know About This From Today! - 30,204 views 9.25.24
Jack Hibbs sermon - Bible Prophecy - What's Happening to Jan Markell - 37,500 views Sep 23, 2024
Middle East BRINK Of Catastrophe… The Rapture? - 49,283 views Sep 23, 2024
Prophecy Update: War in Israel: Developments You Won't Believe! - 9.24.24
'Whole Families Get Baptized': Tens of Thousands Flock to NC FaithFest, Hundreds Born Again - 9.23.24
No Pope Francis, All Religions Do Not Lead To Salvation -September 24, 2024
The Secular World Is Cheering For The Arrival Of The 'Man Of Lawlessness' - September 23, 2024
I Just Wish This Wasn't True - 55,557 views 9.24.24
Coach Dave: The Fight for Faith in American Schools and Society - 9.23.24
Blessed Assurance - 9.22.24
Why Jesus rejects the false gospel Pope Francis recently proclaimed - September 21, 2024
Timeless Truths...10 Reasons To Trust the Bible - 1,855 views Sep 18, 2024
Bottom Line: This is Unsustainable! - 7,287 views Sep 17, 2024
'I See Revival': 48 Members of College Football Team Publicly Make Jesus Christ Their Lord - 09-23-2024
'Whole Families Get Baptized': Tens of Thousands Flock to NC FaithFest, Hundreds Born Again - 09-23-2024
Glimpses of heaven that prove we see loved ones again. After brain surgeon DR EBEN ALEXANDER revealed that he saw the afterlife when he slipped into a coma, hundreds wrote to us. Here are their stories that show death is nothing to fear...
Note: Jonathan is a powerful preacher but considers himself to be part of the Aaronic Priesthood. He shares beautiful blessings. God ended that priesthood when Jesus was made a Melchisedek Priest after the resurrection. God said we only need one eternal Priest and that's Jesus Christ. (Hebrews 7:11) - 78,145 views Sep 19, 2024
At 72, Franklin Graham: "I Can't Take It ANYMORE I Will EXPOSE It ALL!" - 17,569 views Sep 17, 2024
The United States in Bible Prophecy - September 6, 2017
American Muslim Met Jesus in a Supernatural Dream: 'Right Then, I Knew Jesus Was the Son of God' - 09-19-2024
'Jesus Met Us There': Massive Revival Moment as 10,000 Seek Jesus at University of Arkansas - 09-20-2024
Megachurch founder IV Hilliard says 'I love my wife' after she reveals bruised head - September 17, 2024
Megachurch leader weeps after worship pastor caught recording inside gender-neutral bathroom - September 18, 2024
RAPTURE !! ABSOLUTE PROOF !! HIS WORD IS TRUTH ! ! - 6,425 views 9.20.24
Its Not Just The Mark That You Have To Be Worried About
When Christ Appears Not All Christians will be Transformed & Empowered (Sept - Nov 2024) - 858 views Sep 15, 2024
BREAKING NEWS Steve Lawson Removed from Trinity Bible Church - 8,843 views 9.18.24
If This Video Found You Then God Is Telling You To Pray Until Something Happens - 11,090 views 9.19.24
Is This REVELATION Or Are Strange Things Happening? - 2,989 views 9.19.24
The Generation That Shall Not Pass Away - Amir Tsarfati - 360,152 views Sep 1, 2024
GOD PREPARES TO ATTACK THE NEW SODOM - These Three Things Will Happen When Babylon Falls - 9.633 views 9.18.24
Is the Woke Pope The False Prophet? - 27,189 views Sep 9, 2024
The Planned Destruction of America - Billy Crone - 12,475 views 9.17.24
'It Will be Epic': Gather25 to Bring Together Global Church Like Never Before - 9.17.24
Preston Perry's journey from gang violence to evangelism: 'Can't make disciples if you don't talk about sin' - 9.16.24
Heads up news!
"All Players Are In Place In 2024" Robert Breaker On The End Times - 6,022 views 9.16.24
The Bible CALLED THIS out LONG AGO!! - It's Happening Now!" - 24,749 views 9.16.24
The Tribulation Incubator - 9.15.24
Israel Has Caused an Explosion of Signs - September 14, 2024
A MIRACLE HAS HAPPENED! Jesus and the angels appear in JERUSALEM! A MIRACLE happens! 9.16.24
This is Bible Prophecy Playing Out Right Before Our Eyes... - 11K views 9.14.24
Don't Let Them Scare You With This One! - Sunday Night with Pastor Tom Hughes - 5,338 views 9.15.24
George Sweeting, evangelist who led Moody Bible Institute for decades, dies at 99 - September 14, 2024
Prophecy Update Top News Headlines - 1.13K views 9.13.24
YWAM missionaries gather for first global conference since founder's death - September 12, 2024
Pastor, father of 11, Baptist college exec. fatally shoots himself after accusation of child molestation - September 12, 2024
Arizona Street Evangelist Returns to Preaching After Being Shot in the Head, "Because of His Love, I'm Still Here" -
UK National Week of Prayer: October 12-20, 2024 - September 12, 2024
The Coming Demonic Invasion (Revelation 9:12-21) - 1,341,940 views Jul 11, 2024
Corporate Control & the Mark of the Beast: Are We Ready? The Tom Hughes Report - 18,468 views Sep 11, 2024
A Beastly Triumphal Entry?
Can We Know When Jesus Will Return? Sep 10, 2024
If This Video Doesn't Wake You Up, Then I Don't Know What Will....- 10,767 views 9.12.24
Brazil: Remote Amazonian Region Experiences Revival, "In the First Six Months of This Year We Baptized 14,500 People" -
Watch: Mark Hitchcock: How Close Are We To The Tribulation? - 9.7.24
Brazil's Amazon Sees Unprecedented Revival with 14,500 Baptisms - Sep 10, 2024
Prophecy Update: Way Better Than the Harris/Trump Debate - 9.10.24
Do you want to be a Divine King For All Eternity? This is Gods Greatest Promise ! ! ! Days away !! - 2,480 views 9.11.24
Why Is Everyone Lying To You? - 37,110 views Sep 7, 2024
PEACE & SECURITY THIS MONTH AT UNITED NATIONS! - Night Watch with Bro Chooch - 2,937 views 9.8.24
Prophecy Update - 2024-09-01 If The Trial Run Is Done - September 1, 2024 - J.D. Farag
This World Is Not Our Home - 32,940 viws 9.7.24
Prophecy Update Top News Headlines - 3.86K views 9.4.24
Can God Change His Mind About Israel, or About Us? :: By Jonathan Brentner - August 31, 2024
5th Seal JUST Opened! Rapture Next?! (Don't Miss It but we don't agree) - 94,627 views Aug 10, 2024
Is it possible to lose your salvation? - September 05, 2024
California church administrator sentenced for stealing $360K from congregation - September 05, 202
Friday Church News Notes - September 6, 2024
WOW 700,000 worship Jesus
Prophecy Update: Should We Vote? - 1.03K views 9.4.24
Have You Heard About The "Ring Of Fire" Rosh Hashanah Eclipse That Is Coming In October? September 3, 2024
If This Church Didn't Film It, I Wouldn't Believe You - 1,726,483 views Dec 16, 2023
Texas A&M campus revival event draws nearly 1,500 students to worship Jesus; 62 baptized - September 03, 2024
Biblical Illiteracy Is At Astonishingly High Levels In The Church, New Study Reveals - August 27, 2024
Prophecy Update Top News Headlines - 4.49K views 9.2.24
God Is Restraining The Wars, Lawlessness, And Chaos… Until One Day He Doesn't - September 1, 2024
Awakening by Hal Lindsey - 9.1.24
Genesis 171 - Maximum Grace. Genesis 43:26-34. Dr. Andy Woods. 9-1-24. - 2.1K views 9.1.24
Prophecy Update: If The Trial Run Is Done - 1.53K views 9.2.24
Just As The Bible Prophesied, Russia Has Chosen Its Side - August 31, 2024
Cameramen Accidentally Airs Live Television Too Soon - 1,970,037 views Jul 6, 2024
Song of Solomon - Hilarious Bible rap song by Mike Adams



Pope expels Denver priest, 9 others from Catholic movement in Peru over "sadistic" abuses - 9.28.24
THIS Popular Trend is VERY Dangerous | Christian Reaction - 26,060 views Sep 10, 2024
5 Signs Someone in Your Life Was Sent by the Devil - 189,405 views Sep 6, 2024
The Shocking Thing That Happened After They Said Sorry - 833 views 9.27.24
Ex-Psychic Says Taylor Swift Promotes Witchcraft | Guest: Jenn Nizza | Ep 1046 - 584,881 views Aug 6, 2024
Debunking False Teaching: Preterism - 333 views 9.25.24
"I was created by a fallen angel" PROOF AI is Summoning Demons - 74,266 views Sep 17, 2024
She is JEZEBEL Christians You MUST Know This About Kamala Harris - 30,386 views Sep 19, 2024
"ALL Religions Gift of God" Satan Enthroned at the Vatican (Pope Francis Singapore) - 51K views 9.24.24
IF You See These Signs, Demons ARE SURE To Enter - 3,936 views 9.25.24
Lausanne releases Seoul Statement: Here's what it says (missional challenges that the global Church is facing today)
Document builds on legacy of the Lausanne Covenant, Manila Manifesto and Cape Town Commitment - September 23, 2024
Pope Francis Crosses All Red Lines With Claim 'All Religions Are A Path To God' - 9.24.24
Vatican appoints pro-homosexual pro-contraception priest to doctrinal office - 9.23.24
Pope calls Singaporean youth to unity during interreligious dialogue - Sept 2024
MANY "Christians" Will Go To HELL Because of THIS - 3006 views 9.24.24
Reading Israel Out Of Biblical Prophecy: The Crafty Playbook Of Replacement Theology - September 15, 2024
Archbishop Charles Chaput: No, Pope Francis, Not All Religions Are 'Paths to God' - 9.17.24
Artificial Intelligence - "Users Say Microsoft's AI Has Alternative Personality That Demands to Be Worshipped." 9.21.24
How the Golden Age of Hip Hop Descended into Satanism - Sep 20, 2024
Pope Francis just announced the ONE WORLD RELIGION! - 128,314 views Sep 13, 2024
Is the Woke Pope The False Prophet? - 27,189 views Sep 9, 2024
It's Official! Pope Francis Reveals Plans For "One World Religion" (2024) - 9,586 views 9.14.24
Werewolves And Wild Heresy - 24,473 views Sep 6, 2024
Archbishop Chaput on Pope Francis' claims about religious dialogue: 'not all religions seek the same God' - 9.16.24
Francis MOCKS CONFESSION! New Synodal Religion Unleashed! - 24,868 views 9.17.24
Pope Francis: All religions are a pathway to God…except Judaism - September 16, 2024
Are all Religions a Path to God?
The church was named Good News. Hundreds of members died in a cult massacre that haunts survivors - 9.14.24
Pope Francis' claim 'all religions are a path to God' rebuked by clergy - September 15, 2024
Bishop Warns Francis: Those Who Deny Salvation Is Only From Christ Aren't Christian - 19,168 views 9.15.24
It's Official! Pope Francis Reveals Plans For "One World Religion" (2024) - 9,586 views 9.14.24
The TOP 25 most EVIL people in America (The Ending will SHOCK You) - 733,418 views Jan 11, 2024
BREAKING: Pope Francis: 'Every religion is a way to arrive at God' - 9.13.24
Liberation Theology: A new form of Christianity redefining Jesus as a Palestinian Social Justice Warrior - September 13, 2024
Mormon Fundamentalists Ruled This Town For Almost 100 Years (Polygamy) 111,013 views Sep 6, 2024
4 Undeniable Examples of AI Summoning Demons - You Won't Believe This! - 68,557 views Sep 9, 2024
BEWARE! This New Emerging Religion That People Are Falling For Is Dangerous - 205,789 views Aug 3, 2024
Did We Miss The Abomination of Desolation on October 7? (This could well be true?? Very convincing but the church is nowhere in the Tribulation.) - 251,644 views Jun 11, 2024
New Age Tower of Babel (free book)
If This Video Doesn't Wake You Up, Then I Don't Know What Will..... - 17,039 views 9.5.24
Top 10 Worst Churches in America - The Dark Side of Megachurches - 360,782 views Oct 19, 2023
THIS Famous "Christian" Singer SOLD His Soul & Most CAN'T See It - 12,236 views 9.5.24


Cephas Observer

'$16 Trillion By 2030'-BlackRock Is Quietly Backing A Radical New U.S. Dollar Rival Amid A Bitcoin And Crypto Price Boom
Our First October Surprise! The East Coast Port Strike Could Throw U.S. Supply Chains Into A State Of Chaos - 9.29.24
US woman meant to be first to use 'suicide pod' accused company of trying to get her life savings: report - Sep. 25, 2024
Diddy plans to testify at criminal trial, lawyer confirms: 'He's very eager to tell his story'
Comedian Katt Williams Says Diddy Ready to Snitch on Everybody - 9.24.24
The Stage Is Being Set For The Greatest Period Of Chaos In U.S. History - September 25, 2024 by Michael
Google Paid $2.7 Billion to Bring Back an AI Genius Who Quit in Frustration - 9.25.24
Kamala insists abortion is so important to her, she'd destroy Senate filibuster to get it - September 24, 2024
3rd strike hits Biden-Harris economy as consumer confidence takes massive plunge - September 24, 2024
NAVY SEALs Find and Trash Sean "Diddy" Combs' Adrenochrome Stockpile - September 25, 2024
Pelosi's Husband Dumps $500k in Visa Stock Right before DOJ Announces Massive Lawsuit - September 25, 2024
Celebrities and CEOs Facing Life in Prison as Diddy's "Adrenochrome Ring" Busted Wide Open (Video) - 9.25.24
Detailing The Allegations Facing Diddy, Usher and Other Hollywood Elites - Breanna Morello - 9.25.24
John Kerry Vows Democrats Will 'Change' First Amendment to 'Hammer Disinformation Out of Existence' - September 30, 2024
The NWO Wants To Feed You Crushed Roaches and Call It 'Milk' - September 28th, 2024
FCC Approves Expedited Sale of More Than 200 Radio Stations to George Soros's Investment Firm - 9.30.24
Stop Drinking Bottled Water: Experts Warn of Health and Climate Impacts - Sep 25, 2024
FOOD RECALLS - 9.30.24
EXCLUSIVE: Stephen K. Bannon Pens 'Victory is at Hand' Message to MAGA from Danbury Prison. - 9.30.24
??MUST SEE: Maxine Waters SNAPS Under Pressure & Democrats Let Her Have It! - 473,828 views Sep 23, 2024
Alex Jones Sets The Record Straight With Infowars Auction - September 25th, 2024
Special Presentation: Ally Carter Speaks Out (use Chrome) - 39.5K views 9.25.24
My Presentation on Christian Zionism for D4CE - · September 27, 2024
EXCLUSIVE: Bill Cassidy To Introduce Bill To Stop Left-Wing Investing From Taking Over Retirement Funds - 9.28.24
Dem Senator Introduces Bill That Would Add Six Supreme Court Seats, Expand Federal Judiciary - 9.26.24
Does the Vatican Own BlackRock? ALL ROADS LEAD TO ROME - Sep 27, 2024
Historic federal indictment against Adams claims he fraudulently got $10M in public funds, $123K in free luxury travel, ritzy perks - Sep. 26, 2024
Eric Adams Highlights: Judge Sets Mayor's Arraignment on Bribery and Fraud Charges for Friday - 9.28.24
21 toxic chemicals found in baby food sold at Target Stores - Sep 19, 2024
Israel moves toward eliminating cash - September 24, 2024
Democratic Party aims to push climate change propaganda in all grades - September 24, 2024
INFOWARS FINAL DAYS: Alex Jones shall OVERCOME the satanic assault on truth, freedom and liberty - 9,452 views 9.26.24
ALERT: Judge Joe Brown Drops Shocking Claim About Obama's Hidden Wealth! - 6.12K views 9.17.24
Government announces 31 MILLION ACRE LAND GRAB from US Ranchers - 69,097 views Sep 5, 2024
Elon Musk Will Finish the Wall - 9.27.24
PREPARE NOW: Nearly 50% of ALL US Imports to Halt Due to Massive Port Strikes on October 1st - 115,237 views 9.25.24
NYC Mayor Eric Adams INDICTED After DIDDY Snitched On Celebrities Who Attended His Parties! - 107,807 VIEWS 9.26.24
Obama PANICS! FEDS Force Diddy to Testify! HOLLYWOOD Celebrity Freak Off List REVEALED in Court?! - 992,891 views
?? Housing Crisis in the U.S: 650,000+ HOMELESS Persons as Housing Unaffordability Hits All-Time High - 50,538 views
AMAZON: Nationwide LAYOFFS | BONDS Exposed - 87,341 views Sep 17, 2024
Yourld senior nomad shares best ever advice if you're forced to move into your car - 101,220 views Sep 19, 2024
NYC Mayor Eric Adams Indicted - LIVE Breaking News Coverage - 8,111 VIEWS 9.25.24
The Satanic Pedophile Elites 'Red Shoe Club' A Truth You Can't Ignore! (Video) - September 29, 2024 1:50
Hollywood in Crisis - Sep 29, 2024
EXPOSED: Tate Brothers in their Own Words w/ Common Sense Skeptic *WARNING: EXPLICIT CONTENT* - Sep 27, 2024
FBI Seize 'Incriminating' Kim Kardashian Tapes From Diddy's Mansion - September 28, 2024
Alert! 700,000 Indictments Exposed: This Is so Much Bigger Than Most Understand! (Video) - September 28, 2024
Colorado leads nation in recent cocaine use among adults, survey says - 9.27.24
Geoengineering Watch Global Alert News - 15,814 views September 21, 2024
Governments spray toxic chemicals over their people for weather modification
New Party Footage of Diddy, Jennifer Lopez & Jay Z Goes Viral 2024 - September 24, 2024
Biden-Harris admin opposes ban on Chinese Communist Party officials buying US land - 9.23.24
Digital IDs Are Coming to Social Media in California's Crackdown - September 23, 2024
'The Chosen' creator unveils new shows, big news about what happens once series ends - September 23, 2024
Look who is undermining SCOTUS with unprecedented leaks - Sep 23, 2024
Hospital system saves $44 million using artificial intelligence to support Obs vs. inpatient decisions - 9.24.24
Foreign Leaders Beg For Meetings With Donald Trump Instead Of Joe Biden Or Kamala Harris To Stop War - 28,853 views
'Gayest' Marvel Project Yet: New Disney+ Show Called 'Gay Explosion' of LGBT, Occult Themes - 09-24-2024
FBI Seize 'Horrific' Obama 'Freak Off' Tapes Featuring Underage Justin Bieber - 221K views 9.21.24
Biden-Harris Secretary of State Faces Congressional Contempt Charge.- 9.24.24
TikTok Is KEY News Source for Young American Adults.- 9.24.24
'Massive Victory' - Irish Government Drops Draconian Hate Speech Legislation After Backlash - 9.21.24
BlackRock and Microsoft to Launch $30 Billion AI Investment Fund - September 17, 2024
Disney's 'Agatha All Along' Star Aubrey Plaza Says Marvel Show Includes 'a Gay Explosion by the End' - 9.17.24
Panic over new ChatGPT that 'reasons' as expert warns of terror AI raids that steal cash from 'huge numbers' of victims -
Join the Resistance with Tucker Carlson 9.29.24 - 666.2K views 9.23.24
703 hospitals at risk of closure, state by state - August 5th, 2024
Police across US given new UFO handbook as they warn craft 'pose significant safety risks' - September 21, 2024
Earthing and Grounding in Cancer Care: A Holistic Approach - Aug 23, 2023
The Earthing Movie: The Remarkable Science of Grounding - 7,607,786 views Premiered Nov 19, 2019
Try This ANCIENT HEALING METHOD To Reduce Inflammation & LIVE LONGER! - 1,198,864 views May 27, 2022
Nation of Islam Members Convicted Over Child Labor, Starvation. - 9.23.24
Giant sea creature washes up on Oregon beach around gawking vacationers - 9.23.24
America's most popular motel chain is sold to overseas buyer for $525 million - 9.23.24
Paramore Singer Caught Reading From Script During Anti-Trump Concert Rant.- 9.22.24
Residents in small California retirement town left devastated as landslides keep getting worse: 'There's been literally no help'
Fox News Hosts Taken Off the Air to Battle DEADLY Diagnosis - 188,172 views 9.21.24
Baptist congressman: Texas' plan for Bible-based school curriculum 'unconstitutional' - September 18, 2024
How Long Before The Bubble Bursts? Federal Interest Payments Top $1 Trillion - 9.19.24
Pope Francis's World Youth Day message: Be tireless missionaries of joy - 9.17.24
Fed/Powell Unleash Chaos Across Markets With 'Not A Crisis At All' 50bps Rate-Cut - Sep 18, 2024
"Blow Your Mind": Ex-WSJ Journo Uncovers Hub Of An Alleged Migrant Trafficking Network In Springfield, Ohio - Sep 18, 2024
Trump Uses Bitcoin to Buy Burgers at NYC Bar - September 19, 2024
"It's Not OK Any More": The United Kingdom Cracks Down on Free Speech - 8.22.24
Top Scientists are Dying, Blocking Important Trials & Alternative Treatments w/ Matt Hazen - Sep 22, 2024
Hillary Clinton calls for Americans to be criminally charged for spreading 'propaganda' - September 18, 2024
MEDICAL CRIME SCENE: Big Pharma companies have paid $33B in financial penalties for their illegal activities - 1.7K views
EXCLUSIVE: Researcher Ian Carroll Exposes The Truth Behind The Diddy Blackmail Operation & The Hip-Hop Agenda
Food Conglomerates Are Now Going Bankrupt DAILY | 22.1 Million Jobs NOW at Risk - 9.19.24
5 things to know about (Diddy) Sean Combs, 'Freak Offs' and the charges that could send him to prison for life - 9.17.24
(Video) Johnstown (Colorado) families forced to move learning homes were built on retention pond - 9.20.24
Exploding Pagers: A Prelude to Biblical Prophecy? - 26,255 views Sep 19, 2024
'The Sky is the Limit!' - Farage Rallies Thousands at 'Reform UK' Conference. - 9.21.24
Thousands see UFO hovering eerily over Mexican city in the middle of the day - 9.19.24
Putin sees weakness in Western culture - and most Americans don't realize it because they're chronically sick and brain-numbed - 9.17.24
Stress Levels Reach New Heights Among Americans, Survey Finds - 9.19.24
Democrat Initiative to 'Reform' Supreme Court Slammed as Blatantly Unconstitutional - September 19, 2024
BREAKING: In a stunning announcement, Mike Johnson admits that Republicans may attempt to shut down the government ahead of November's election. - 2.2M views 9.19.24
'Oval-shaped' UFO spotted hovering over Mexico: 'Spectacular video' - 9.17.24
America Is Being Absolutely Ripped Apart By Hate, And The End Result Will Be Unparalleled Chaos In Our Streets - 9.17.24
Elon Musk on track to soon become the world's first trillionaire - Tue, 17 Sep 2024
What We're Learning About Diddy Could 'Bring the Whole Music Industry Down' - Sep 18, 2024
Federal Reserve Cuts Key Rate by Sizable Half-Point, Signaling End to its Inflation Fight - 9.18.24
New White House Cover-up BACKFIRES Instantly - 2,656,962 views Feb 3, 2024
Police Rescue 400 Children from Horrific Sexual and Physical Abuse at Islamic Charity Homes in Malaysia - 9.14.24
US Congress to hold 'huge' UFO hearing - 9.16.24
'We Cannot Let This Go': House Republicans Rail Against The UN And World Health Organization - 69,905 views 9.17.24
Messages from 'beyond': Celebs and their obsession with psychics
Travelers will need 'permission' and a fee to visit United Kingdom as part of new digitized system - 9.16.24
At Least 32 Shot During Weekend in Mayor Johnson's Chicago - 9.16.24
A "Blood Moon" Eclipse, "The Comet Of The Century", And A "Ring Of Fire" Eclipse Will All Be Visible Within The Next 30 Days
3 Spectacular Events In The Heavens Over The Next 30 Days - 9.17.24
FBI Report Estimates $5.6B in Cryptocurrency Fraud Losses - September 16, 2024
Jessie Czebotar: Elon Musk Was a Victim of Satanic Ritual Abuse as a Child - Sep 17, 2024
French Left Is Fermenting on an Impeachment Bid Against Macron - 9.17.24
LIVE Uncensored: Geoengineering Expert Says by 2025 There Will Be No Food or Life Left - 9.15.24
Welcome Back To Planet Earth: SpaceX Polaris Dawn Crew Returns After Historic Spacewalk Mission - Sep 15, 2024
Billions Gone and Little to Show for It Years After Rampant COVID Fraud - September 16, 2024
Just Now: BIDEN Gets BOMBSHELL BAD NEWS! Democrats Dropping Harris For TRUMP! - 160,029 views Sep 6, 2024
Billy Crone - UFO's Aliens And The Coming Mass Abduction 3 - 9,599 views Sep 15, 2024
Full 'Harvest' Moon and Partial Lunar Eclipse Will Awe Viewers Tuesday 9.17.24 - 9.16.24
Olympic Opening Ceremony Director Brands Joan of Arc as One of France's 'Greatest Transvestites' - 9.15.24
The next full moon will also feature a lunar eclipse. Here's when to look up - Sept. 17, 2024
The Biggest Tax Hike in American History? Business Leaders Sound the Alarm (from 21% to 28%) - 9.13.24
LIVE: Aerial Visuals Of A Plant Explosion In La Porte - 9.16.24
New Update - JFK Jr. Is Alive - What Are Cousins For? They Have Been Here the Whole Time, Undercover - 9.12.24
Report Proves That Chemicals Are Being Sprayed Over Entire Nations - September 14, 2024
Pope Francis Criticizes Trump, Harris over 'Anti-Life' Policies, Urges Catholics to Choose 'Lesser Evil' - 9.13.24
ALMOST UNTHINKABLE: Marjorie Taylor Greene Accuses Andrew Cuomo Of Murder To His Face - 1,199,408 views 9.10.24
Coroner: Suicides, Fatal Car Crashes, and Killings 'Through the Roof' in Wyoming County - 9.14.24
Space X Welcome back to Earth - 32.9M views 9.15.24
Americans Are Falling Behind on Their Bills. Wall Street Is Alarmed.- Sept. 14, 2024
Taliban begins enforcing new draconian laws, and Afghan women despair - 9.15.24
NYC Democrats Pass Bill to Pay Slavery Reparations with Taxpayer Money - September 13, 2024
'The FBI will crush you': Suspended Special Agent Garret O'Boyle risks it all to warn Americans about politicized agency
Hundreds of Thousands without Water in Cuba - 9.14.24
Brazil unfreezes Elon Musk's X and Starlink assets after receiving $3.3 million payment - 9.13.24
Judge McAfee just rule Fani Willis didn't have authority to bring some charges against Trump and threw them out
Globalist takeover of Ukraine: BlackRock set to plunder war-torn nation? - 9.11.24
U.S. Borrowing Tops $1.9 Trillion So Far This Year - September 12, 2024
Switzerland To Rollout Digital ID By 2026 - September 12, 2024
Government Programs Spraying Toxic Chemicals, Heavy Metals, Graphene Oxide w/ Reinette Senum - Sep 13, 2024
Pope Says Both Trump and Harris Are 'Against Life' - 9.13.24
Rape, Robbery, Assaults Skyrocketing under Biden-Harris Admin, Federal Data Reveals - September 13, 2024
WATCH Illegal Criminal Boast, "In Just Two Years, The United States Will Be Finished" - September 9, 2024
China to train thousands of overseas law enforcement officers to create 'more fair' world order - 9.11.24
SHAME: Labour British PM Starmer and His Hellish Government Scrap Winter Fuel Payments for 10 Million Pensioners While Freeing 1,700 Prisoners, Including Dangerous Ones - Sep. 11, 2024
Pope Francis lands in Singapore; inter-faith dialogue, climate on agenda - 9.11.24
Exposing The Lies: Socialism Is Not Only Destructive To Societies, It Is Entirely UnBiblical - Alex McFarland -
Report: China Now World Leader in Almost 90% of Critical Technologies - 9.11.24
Apple Forced To Pay $14 Billion Tax To EU - September 11, 2024
Brazilian Supreme Court to rule on conservative challenge to X censorship case - 9.9.24
Estimated 600,000 attend Mass celebrated by Pope Francis in East Timor - 9.10.24
9/11 Widow Slams Biden Admin's 'Outrageous' Attempted Plea Deals For Gitmo Terrorists - 9.11.24
Man Arrested On Arson Charges For Allegedly Igniting 34,000-Acre Wildfire In California - 9.11.24
Core Inflation Comes In Hotter Than Expected As Shelter Costs Unexpectedly Rise - Wednesday, Sep 11, 2024 - 08:47 AM
What's next on the menu for the invasion of America? CANNIBALISM! - 9.12.24
GRAPHIC: Heads and carcasses of slaughtered pigs left out in public in Springfield, Ohio - September 11, 2024
'Chilling': Exorcist claims there are 5 specific demons controlling American culture - September 12, 2024
The Decades of Evidence SSRI Antidepressants Cause Mass Shootings - Sep 04, 2024
German bank cancels Right-wing politician after election victory - September 10, 2024
Preparing For A Crash? Warren Buffett Has Been Selling Off Hundreds Of Millions Of Shares In 2024 - September 8, 2024 b
US House Passes Bill to Require Senate Approval of any international agreement on pandemic preparedness to be subject to Senate ratification
MoneyWatch - September 10, 2024
Americans used record 100 trillion megabytes of wireless data in 2023 - September 10, 2024
Massie: SAVE Act Won't Be Signed Into Law - September 10, 2024
EU Losing Economic Fight With US, China - September 10, 2024
Looting Hits Gucci Store In DC As Chaos Breaks Out In City Center & Georgetown Areas - Sep 10, 2024
DEAD HUMANS LIQUEFIED, then fed back to the population via fertilizer on crops - 09/10/2024
'It is on every single piece': Woman buys huge pack of Great Value deluxe singles cheese. Then she notices something unusual 9.9.24
New York City Council Expected To Greenlight Sweeping Reparations Study, Wall Street 'Slave Market' Sign - 9.11.24
FATAL WARNING To All States DO NOT EAT THIS - 46K views 9.9.24
'This Type of Action is Unacceptable': Warsaw, Berlin Clash Over New German Border Controls - 9.11.24
Sen. John Kennedy: Biden Administration Wrote Nearly 300 Executive Orders to 'Open Our Border' in 2021 - 9.9.24
Gaetz questions Jack Smith's authority to keep up Trump probes after judge calls him 'unlawfully appointed' - 9.9.24




Top Hezbollah terrorist Nabil Qaouk killed in Beirut airstrike last night
Venezuela Uses U.N. Perch to Declare Israel Guilty of 'Greatest Genocide Since Hitler' - 9.26.24
Israel secures $8.7 billion US aid package to bolster defense systems against Iranian threats - September 26, 2024
Israel must be stripped of UN membership, Abbas tells General Assembly
Abbas calls Temple Mount 'exclusive property of Muslims' in speech to UN General Assembly - 9.26.24
US warships come under attack in Red Sea as nearly two dozen incoming missiles and drones shot down - Sep 27, 2024
Europeans, Arab and Muslim nations launch a new initiative for a Palestinian state - 28 September 2024
Over 90,000 people in Lebanon had to flee Israel's bombardments this week - September 26, 20245:
Israel At War, Damascus, And P-Diddy!!! - 34,726 views Sep 25, 2024
Kyiv Launches Mass Drone Attack on Russia Day After Putin's Nuclear Warning - Sep 26, 2024
Biden warns 'all-out' Middle East war possible, as Netanyahu greenlights truce talks - 25 September 2024
International Law Confirms Israel's Legitimacy - From Jordan River to the Mediterranean Sea - September 25, 2024
40,000 Fighters from Iraq, Yemen, and Syria Gather in Golan Heights, Heightening Israel-Hezbollah Tensions - Sep 25, 2024
The Middle East Braces For A Nightmare Scenario As Israel And Hezbollah Head Toward "A Full-Fledged War" - Sep 24, 2024
Hezb'Allah Rockets Strike Nazareth, the Birthplace of Jesus Christ - September 22, 2024
Iran's Supreme Leader Rushed To Secure Location After Israel Kills Hezbollah Leaders - September 28, 2024
IDF Strikes Have Wrecked Hezbollah Command Structure And Firepower - 9.30.24
The Assassination of Hasan Nasrallah - 9.30.24
30 Years of Peace Under Pressure: Israel and Jordan in Regional Turmoil - 9.30.24
Israel-Hezbollah latest: Israeli special forces 'conducting Lebanon raids' ahead of possible ground invasion - Sep 30, 2024
Revisiting The Destruction Of Damascus - Fighters In Syria Prepare For War - 9.26.24
Hezbollah strikes Nazareth in rocket attacks; fires break out: 'Threatening countless holy places'- Sep 22, 2024
Killing of Nasrallah shows the IDF reasserting primacy, gradually restoring public trust - 28 September 2024
Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah dead following IDF strike - 788,858 views 9.28.24
Son of Hamas Co-Founder Denounces Group at UN, Exposes 'Savage' Indoctrination of Palestinian Kids
6,650,887 views Nov 21, 2023
Iran President at UN: Israel Seeking Wider War, Laying 'Traps' for Iran - 9.23.24
Middle East Approaching Point Of No Return- 9.24.24
Two-state solution is only framework for resolving the conflict, Biden and UAE leader say after meeting - 9.23.24
The Vast Hezbollah Arsenal Awaiting Israel in Lebanon - Sept. 24, 2024
Israel hits 1,600 targets in Monday strikes on Hezbollah as Lebanese flee; 492 killed
U.S. Rushing Extra Troops To Middle East - September 23, 2024
While 'Palestine' Is Not Even a Full UN Member, the Palestinian Cause Dominates First Day of General Assembly- 9.24.24
Egypt fears 'all-out' regional war, blames Israel for stances vs Hamas, Hezbollah - 23 September 2024
IDF intercepts cruise missiles, drones fired from Iraq at north and south - 22 September 2024,
Hezbollah strikes Nazareth in rocket attacks; fires break out: 'Threatening countless holy places' - September 22, 2024
Israel on brink of 'full-scale invasion' of south Lebanon as it warns 'back down or else' - Sep 22, 2024
US: Were 'Not Aware,' 'Not Involved' in Lebanon's Pager Explosions - 9.18.24
Dem Senate Intel. Chair Warner on Hezbollah Strikes: Netanyahu Takes U.S. Support 'for Granted' Sometimes - 9.18.24
Saudi Arabia will not recognise Israel without Palestinian state, says Crown Prince - September 18, 2024
UN General Assembly passes resolution calling for Jerusalem Old City to be Jew-free - 9.18.24
UN demands Israel to withdraw to pre-67 borders within a year, limiting Israel's ability to fight terrorism - 9.19.24
Israel thwarts Iranian plot to assassinate Benjamin Netanyahu, Yoav Gallant, Ronen Bar - SEPTEMBER 19, 2024
New Iranian FM pledges 'unlimited' support for regional terrorism - 9.17.24
The Existential War That Is Rapidly Escalating In The Middle East Will Be Far More Horrible Than Most People Would Dare To Imagine
Mossad Planted Bombs in 5,000 Hezbollah Pagers Months Before Deadly Detonations: Report - Sep. 18, 2024
Time to launch Abraham Accords 2.0 - September 21, 2024
Israel at a state of maximum alert after eliminating most of Hezbollah's top terrorists - September 21, 2024
Netanyahu says Hezbollah 'will get the message' after strikes it 'never imagined' - 22 September 2024
Watch: 85 rockets fired at north Sunday, wounding 3; teen killed in crash during siren - 22 September 2024
Israel Kills Key Hezbollah Leader After Missile Barrage - September 21, 2024
Biden Justice Department, In Filing in Federal Court, Sides With the United Nations Against Victims of October 7 Massacre -
BREAKING: U.S. Deploys Troops in Preparation for Potential War (World War 3) - 15,443 views 9.23.24
Did Israel just NUKE Lebanon? (Stew Peters) - 16.7M views 9.21.24
US denies involvement in Israel-attributed Hezbollah pager attacks - September 19, 2024
Israel: 'Syria Secretly Built Nuclear Facility' In Iran's Footsteps - September 19, 2024
'Hungary Produced Pagers That Exploded And Killed Hezbollah Members' September 19, 2024
Hezbollah Fires Rockets Past Haifa - September 22, 2024
UN General Assembly passes resolution calling for Jerusalem Old City to be Jew-free - September 19, 2024
Israel, Frustrated With Biden and Harris Refusal To Act Against ICC, Files Formal Objection to Plan To Seek Arrest of Netanyahu - 9.20.24




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